
Cover art for a fanfic I decided to do,Inspired by anime/manga series such as, Blackjack from Osamu Tezukas Blackjack and Ginko from the Mushishi series.


These stories are about Cutie Marks and the ponies that have them. Icon and his wife Emo study Autoeikonology which is the Study of Cutie Marks. They travel across the lands of Equestria, Finding themselves on adventures of the strange and the soul. Each day bringing a new mystery to discovery.

Icon has the official title of Eikonpsychologist. The basics of Eikonpsychology is, understanding the meaning of a Cutie Mark by understanding the ponies who make them. Since there are so many ponies in the world its a daunting task.

An Eikonpsychologists goals are to understand how and why Cutie Marks form, Why two ponies with the same talents have different Cutie Marks? How do names affect the development of a ponys Cutie Mark since a lot of Cutie Marks are reflectal of a ponys name as well as their talents? Do Cutie Marks have a magical power over a ponys mental state and actions?

Emo is often called an Eikonphile and would gladly take that title. She also acts as the pairs photographer and dictation sectary to Icon. Helping him write for the Cutie Mark Science Society (CMSS) who are known for publishing the Cutie Mark Registry Index as well as other Cutie Mark related text published through Canterlot Publishing Co.


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