Now this part was massive, and I do mean massive. In order to try and convey the jokes, I really had to put them into one page, otherwise it would have been not nearly as funny or coherent.
So in this part we bump into several very important pieces of modern road-tripping:
Firstly, once you've broken free of the truck, you find that even if you're in the car with your bestest best friend of many years, anything that even remotely resembles a conversation has gone out the window.
Secondly, in order to break the deadlock, you try to turn on the radio, hoping that there's something on it that will trigger a conversation. However, you find that the only thing on the radio is nothing but worthless celebrity gossip that only about 4% of the global population knows or cares about.
And yes I am referring to you BBC News, what kind of asinine news service are you running when you don't actually give us any news! When the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami happened, the BBC were much more interested in the subject of Wayne Rooney not being happy with his football! So what if he doesn't like the fact that he's being paid 15 million more than he should be, I'm much more curious as to the events unfolding in which 15,000 people had been horribly killed thank you very much, not just a 5 second mention and then back to football and celebrities!
Still, lots of detail went into this one. And a little game for the car enthusiast types, try to identify some of the cars that appear in the background (apart from the obvious Triumph Acclaim).