
Going back into my old sketching practices. I decided to go with a realistic look for Kama's alien form. and while I did like my first attempt at her alien form. I felt it didn't look as good as it could have been. there was so much left out, and it didn't feel like I captured the Original Giger's Sil design. so I decided to just sketch her out and go all out with her design unimpeded by my skills with GIMP.

Kama's Alien form now has a full on Giger feel to her, in tribute to the original Sil from Species.

Also for those of you who have asked before. Kama's name is Japanese for Stars. thus her name literally means "Of the Stars". for her species name, since the movies never gave Sil's species a name, I referred her to a Space Succubus. until a movie canon name is given. which I doubt it will.

MLP © Hasbro

Species alien design © MGM and H.R. Giger.

Kama and Art belongs to me.

Sketched by Hand and cleaned up in GIMP.


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