I haven't really done anything with my nextgen ocs in awhile…. throws these doodles around even though I havent introduced half the characters
1. Cotton Candy and Rainbow Blitz enjoy teasing Comet Star, especially after an all-nighter reading session. Comet is usually too tired to retaliate. (which is why they pick those times)
2. Came up with a design for a FlutterMac child (not sure if Azure will be included as their child or if she will just exist elsewhere. Probably the latter). Her name is Melody, despite her lack of a voice in conversation.
3. Rarity and Spike knew that they wouldn't be able to conceive a foal. Magically induced pregnancies had come a long way, but interspecies conseption was still out of reach. So they opted for the next best thing: Adopting a foal. They adopted Lotus Bloom from a distant land when she was just a few weeks old. They fell in love instantly, and raised her as their own.
4. Discord, after having disappeared from Fluttershy's life for many years (not long after announcing her engagement to Big Mac, noticably), suddenly returned during Melody's eary teen years. He was both surprised and slightly dismayed to meet the mostly-mute pony, yet became a sort of Uncle figure to her.
((No offense to anyone with dragon-ponies or any other interspecies characters, I actually love them a lot. Just not for my characters right now :https://derpibooru.org/ )