This was the final secret of the Miverian family. This whole mansion acted as a failsafe for when the curse of their bloodline would claim them. On one very spesific night, when the green comet passed and the stars aligned, On the very same night that the curse would claim its victims, this small island would move to a place outside time and space.
This void was the final destination for her family, a failsafe and resting place for those who could not be saved from the call of N'ugu'th.
We all stood there in horror. The fear of the sight merely a fraction of the weight of the realization of what this all meant.
I have never in my life felt so tiny, and I've been walking amongst dragons and monsters.
Yet for all the shock to my System and to Glyph's, It was nothing to the weight that Mivera bour around her shoulders. Not only had she in one night betrayed the trust of two she called her dearest friends. But those two had now been made witness to her deepest secret laid bare.
It was with a heavy consciousness that she stares at what so nearly became her fate. That had we not intervene she would have thrown herself out into this void. To spare our homeworld from what would have been an unimaginable cosmic hunger.
Now, she alone remained, the last of a cursed house, burdened with the loss of all those that had come before her, and the pain that they were beyond saving.