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I made more gift art for Tickle Senpai… <:3
I don’t know what to say here…other then I needed to see Flicker Feather in a maid outfit~ ^ ^
And halfway through, I had this flash of inspiration to have his Mistress giving him a devilish look…not sure where that idea came from… ;3
Flicker Feather belongs to Caroo, in case you’re one of the three ponies who didn’t know already~ X3
Please feel free to offer any criticism or critique in the comments or over PM, I hope you all love it!
I don’t know what to say here…other then I needed to see Flicker Feather in a maid outfit~ ^ ^
And halfway through, I had this flash of inspiration to have his Mistress giving him a devilish look…not sure where that idea came from… ;3
Flicker Feather belongs to Caroo, in case you’re one of the three ponies who didn’t know already~ X3
Please feel free to offer any criticism or critique in the comments or over PM, I hope you all love it!
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