Born to Silly


So here's a ponysona I came up with a little while ago. I made him on a whim while using an old Blueberry Sugar model to play around with colours and I ended up drawing new parts for him. I was encouraged in this process by one of my closest and dearest friends: UniE. ❤❤❤❤
Over time, I came to view as UniE's creation as much as my own, since he was the one that gave me impetus to really make a character out of what was effectively a colouring experiment. So here he is, Milk Toast.

I'm assuming you read the description of the safe version before coming here and want to know what NSFW details I was skipping over because of the safe tag, if this is not the case please go back and read it. I'm assuming you've read that before coming here.

Now, to go into more detail about the stuff I skipped over:
As he became a hormonal teenager, one of his friends at school introduced him a magazine called Rebirth of Equestria for relief (bonus points if anyone can remind me of the Dusk Shine x Mane 6 Harem Fanfic that reference is from, I can't remember it's name and I can't for the life of me seem to find it).
The magazine itself is part smut and part political manifesto, with a focus on maledom/femsub, BDSM, Bondage and lots of kinky sex.
Nopony can even tell if the manifesto part is legit or satirical, and it's loyal readers don't really care either. Contrary to what people on Tumblr might think, one does not read a porno for the author's political opinions. :

So anyway, Milk Toast began to read these magazines himself, but unlike most of it's readership he ended up fantasying himself in the role of the mares. His longing to belong to and be cherished by somepony drew him deeper into a slavery fetish that would end up defining his relationship with Bright Touch. X3

Put simple, Bright Touch is not just his coltfriend, he's also his Master. Milk Toast is completely submissive to his lover, who takes great pleasure in his loyal and eager slaveboy. For his part, Milk Toast is just thrilled to finally feel beloved and cherished by somepony after a lifetime of loneliness…and getting to live out his slave fantasies doesn't hurt either~ ;3

UniE has my unreserved blessing to use this character as he deems fit, including ordering commissions or making gift art for others. ^ ^
Credit for Bright Touch goes to UniE, since it's his ponysona. X3


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