Born to Silly


When I was first redesigning Flutters I kept getting irritated because I couldn't hit a good color scheme change. First it was too much pink, then purple, but now you can see there is a great medium of orange and pink. If you think her anatomy is "wonky" that is intentional, however I do think portraying awkwardness is a challenge for me and something I need to work on, so it needs improvement. Also, I freaking love the freckles. FRECKLES FOR THE WIN!

Moving on to headcanons:
Spring Flower Bullet Fluttershy, as she deals with animals, would have tons of scars and marks from her earlier days. Now she is better trained and animals are far more receptive, so it is rare to get a new mark.
Spring Flower Bullet Flutters is mated to Discord. They have three children, two fillies and one colt.
Spring Flower Bullet Fluttershy is immortal, as Discord transferred half of his strength to her in the form of immortality. She has no powers, but will not age and will carry on with Discord by her side. Unfortunately, two of three of her children do not have this trait. This will prevent them from wanting to bear more offspring in the future.
Spring Flower Bullet Fluttershy comes from an abusive home life. When she was younger, life was splendid. Sadly, her father died in a flying accident, and her mother became a drunken mess. They lived on the ground, as her mother was an Earth Pony, however, Fluttershy's grandmother lived in Cloudsdale. So, Lily (Fluttershy's mother) would send her to the mother-in-law to get rid of her as much as possible, as well as her brother. Hence, why she went to flying camp and became friends with Rainbow. This is also why Rainbow is close with her, as she was aware of her poor circumstances. (The family portrayed in the show, Fluttershy's parents, are not in my AU at all. I have a completely different story and designs for them)
Spring Flower Bullet Fluttershy become many things in the future. Her mate becomes a Saddle Arabia tie to Equestria, which makes Fluttershy more of a Duchess. However, it is mere title. She is far more invested in the Draconequus/Chimera council and her Veterinary-Sanctuary.


Hope you guys liked that! Fluttershy is one of my favorites. I will be changing one of their offspring designs though, as I've grown a mild disdain towards it. Other than that, I love this headcanon!



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