Page 1486 — Art of the Swarm
23rd Jan 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
Sometimes you have to go out on a limb and make big mistakes before the solution becomes obvious. And that's okay.
DM: And, at long last, combat is complete. You are the only "you"s left standing.
Fluttershy: I think I'm kind of combat-ed out now. Anyone else?
Rarity: Agreed.
Pinkie Pie: I dunno, I could go for a few more rounds of uninterrupted butt-kicking!
Rainbow Dash: Nah, I'm with Fluttershy. That was enough gimmicky combat for one session.
DM: Yeah, this concept needs a post-mortem. Thanks for sticking with it, though.
Applejack: Ah didn't want to bring this up in the middle, but why didn'tcha use the swarm rules?
DM: *...D'OH!*
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