Stating something does not count for debunking what I've just said. I've given the argument of why ponies inherit furry subculture and the only way to beat it is to provide a counter argument in responce. I am not saying those fandoms are the same and I do not encourage a merger between the two. All I am saying is that ponies came from furries and then established themselves as a separate fandom.
I understand the hostility behind accepting my hypothesis. By your logic, it gives furries a right to invade us like we are their property (I withdraw my previous statement). That is not the case, however. Simular to how America was founded by british people seeking for independence, Bronies is the community that stands on its own hooves, not paws. You can't call america a british colony because they have separated from it. So did we. We separated from furries and became our own thing.
Bronies are not furries but they originate from furries.
[spoiler]Psst! Hey! Can you tell Lotus to ban me for inciting herecy? I would be funny. I mean, can I get one of those bans that lasts a day or two? I also have a physics exam tommorow so it'll help me to be less distracted. See, I'm a troublemaker 'round here. I need discipline, Wren. I've been a very naughty boy and I need to be punished for my wrongthink.[/spoiler]