>You turn to snuggle into your wife Derpy only to find a cold lump of pillows.
>It's no different from Derpy honestly so you continue to sleep. Until the smell of something burning wafts through the house.
>You're jolted awake and go to check on the girls first! Melody, Misty, or Dingaling aren't in their room!
>Panicked you run down the stairs to find them in the kitchen unsupervised. Your oldest infront of the stove with a mini bonfire going.
>You rush over and pull her away and turn the stove off.
"Where's your mom?"
>You demand an explanation for three little satyrs in the kitchen. Making what you assume is breakfast.
>"She went to Canterlot for a secret mission." Pipes up Melody first. Who you think is looking at you. But with her mother's eyes you really can't tell.
>"She'll be home before night time." Misty adds in quite a matter a fact tone who's eyes are focused on you…but she's not REALLY looking due to her blind nature.
> YOU sigh and rub your temples. Babysitting three satyrs today. Gonna have to make plans for a tire-em out fieldtrip.
> It's when you're running through options do you feel a tug at your pajama bottoms. The yongest holding a plate of charred Celestia knows what.
>"We made you pamcats" She says slowly. You know she's still learning words and just smile and pat her head.
"Thanks girls…but I think we'll go out for breakfast. How about something from Sugarcube?"
>You're answered with screams of delight. You calm them down and tell them to clean up the wreck that is the kitchen while you go get dressed or else they'll get nothing but loafs of bread.
>As you walk off you hear clattering and furious little hooves rushing around the kitchen.