Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Soft Lava on image #6114888

Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

[bq]Didn't that particular example <...> trigger a murderous rampage of a giant dragon demolishing Ponyville?[/bq]

I was cherry picking. It is often a problem that something cute and wholesome is followed by a scene that completely diminishes all the charm and momentum. Like the time Spike got thrown off the stage (in that ep where Celestia cannot act).

[bq]you might like the second MLP movie[/bq]

I tried to watch it but nah... I wish they would have done the same thing but with the already established characters. It's okay though. I'm too occupied with making an rpg game to appreciate the source material anyways. I am cursed to rewatch anything before season three and make a fighting game out of that somehow.
No reason given
Edited by Soft Lava
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

[bq]Didn't that particular example <...> trigger a murderous rampage of a giant dragon demolishing Ponyville?[/bq]

I was cherry picking. It is often a problem that something cute and wholesome is followed by a scene that completely diminishes all the charm and momentum. Like the time Spike got thrown off the stage (in that ep where Celestia cannot act).

[bq]you might like the second MLP movie[/bq]

I tried to watch it but nah... I wish they would have done the same thing but with the already established characters. It's okay though. I'm too occupied with making an rpg game to appreciate the source material anyways. I am cursed to rewatch anything pastbefore season sixthree and make a fighting game out of that somehow.
No reason given
Edited by Soft Lava