Born to Silly


Been spending most of this week working on larger commissions, but I today I decided to take a moment and quickly sketch out images that popped up recently in my Equestria dreamscape.

Straight Laced is a member of Princess Luna's Night Court, and is one of her first Mares-in-Waiting. Her signature wardrobe items are her corset and high leather boots. Sometimes she just wears them
>>1845774: >>1568180: , but other times she includes them as part of a more extensive outfit.

Along with being very well trained in the Canterlot School of kickboxing and being well versed in several useful combat spells, Straight Laced's favorite weapon is the bolas which she can use attack, restrain, and immobilize assailants at a distance. Either in a lethal or nonlethal manner.

The Canterlot School of kickboxing is normally thought of as being a very straight forward, no nonsense form of martial arts. However there are some subsets of it that are almost more dance-like in nature. With quick, fluid, precise movements and rapid hoof stomps similar to the footwork of a male flamenco dancer.

For recent formal event held one evening at Luna's court Straight Laced gave a performance to the honored guests who'd been invited that evening. This is the outfit that she wore for her performance. It had a slight gaucho quality to it, and throughout her performance Straight Laced kept up to 4 bolas co constantly in the spinning in the air around they orbited her. All the while she danced and performed her drills for the audience.

This piece from Two Steps From Hell Link is not what Straight Laced danced to, but it's close captures the rapid, fast paced nature of what she did dance to.


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