Theme: Peacock prince
Beauty and grace; regal posture and royal pride; subtle jokes and mockery of stuck-up nobles hidden behind good manners and icy politeness; excellent sense of style; a prince who thinks too highly of himself, his pride may bring him to his downfall someday
2. Scootaloo x Gabby
Theme: He was a skater boy
Friendly smile and carefree nature; favorite skateboard with colorful print; the sound of wind whistling in his ears; courageous tricks; a collection of old but nevertheless beloved hoodies and beanies; a can of fizzy soda after a day on a skatedrom
3. Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry
Theme: Rock is in their blood
Love for music inherited from both parents; doesn’t talk too much but always has a good point; doesn’t need to raise their voice to get other’s attention; small height, big ambitions; probably started their band back in highschool; unexpectedly good at growling; won’t be having any of your bullshit
4. Fluttershy x Big Mac
Theme: I need a doctor
A veterinarian; kind and courageous heart; always tired but still loves his job to the moon and back; a will to help every little creature that is brought to him; a soft deep voice; extra fluffy; “Are you a cat person or a dog person?” “Yes”
5. Luna x Twilight Sparkle
Theme: Nightmare hunter
Deep raspy voice; the smell of wet wood and night lilies; big powerful wings; an ability to step into other’s dreams; scars left by nightmare creatures; a self-confident smirk even when the situation seems hopeless; a will to fight and great surviving skills; rugged fashion; a soft spot for cute things
6. Rainbow Dash x Thunderlane
Theme: Cogs and Gears
A strength to keep going even after the worst had happened; a strong love for flights; the smell of iron and machine oil; a personality as strong as metal; a passion for creating things with his own hooves; a promising mechanic; steampunk, baby
7. Applejack x Troubleshoes
Theme: Forrest disaster
A confidence of her mother mixed with her father’s clumsiness; a woodsmare; loud voice and manners; “That’s what I meant to do! Y-yeah!”; knows Everfree forest like the back of her hoof; probably a disaster bi
8. Pinkie Pie x Discord
Theme: A bunny from a magic hat
Spunky and energetic; chaotic neutral; the smell of chocolate cookies and strawberry jam; a trickster and a stage magician; immense charisma; “LET <span class="caps">CAUSE</span> <span class="caps">SOME</span> <span class="caps">MAYHEM</span>!”; don’t play cards with her, seriously