
So I had everyone asking me. Why I don't like or Dislike G5? I wanted to put those Questions to Rest with this DA Post

(WARNING the stuff I'm about to mention can be a little Uncomfortable just to let you know this is my Opinion you don't have to Agree but if you do that's Cool if you like G5 Stop Reading this. However if you want to Read my Opinion then keep Reading)

Reason 1: (Unfair) We had G4 for 10/11 Years and Hasbro did not bother on giving them there own Three-Dimensional Animation Movie however G5 did out of the Blue I see this kinda Unfair that we have Technology to make the Mane 6 and Everyone else into 3D but they did not do it but instead they gave it to G5 that we don't know much Shit about it's like what made G5 so Special?

Reason 2: (Storyline) So what I heard of so far the 3 tribes has been Broken up (Earths Unicorns and Pegasi) in the Story they said they "Lost it's Magic" which I find it Bullshit because what I'm aware of the Main Villains are either Dead. Gone Forever. or Reformed besides the Wendigos they only come out when the 3 tribes Fight and the only way to Beat them is if the 3 tribes get along that has been Proven here… and it's like a Big Slap to the face of Twilight Sparkle of everything she has Done and I find that Disrespectful

Reason 3: (Money and Merchandise) Don't get me wrong there is Nothing Bad with Hasbro making Money Hell I even gave Hasbro over Hundreds of Dollars because I Love Hasbro and Mlp. I'm just not liking how they are trying to push G5 out the Door as soon as possible without any development of the Characters and making us think "G5 is the Best thing in the World Buy them Now!" I would rather wait until the Movie comes out and then Sale that stuff or give it a Slow Approach

Reason 4: (Replacing G4) I know Everyone does not think about this but I do I been seeing some Memes that said G5 is Better then G4 or that kind of Shit or throw people off on how Amazing G4 was. Along with it's Storyline they try to take the Mane 6's Years of Hard work and Throw it all away and it's Messed up. The Mane 6 left a Legacy and I don't want to see it go down the Shitter. I would rather have my Neck Broken by a Solid Steel Chair

Reason 5 : (Characters) The Characters don't have my Attention all I know so far there is a Girl with a Peppy Personality and another Girl that has a Tennis Ball Fetish or something it just did not Click to me I like how they have some Male Ponies as part of the Main Cast that is Awesome because they Prove that My Little Pony is not just for Girls it's also for Guys too I like that so that's 1 thing I can give them Credit on but All in All I don't have any Connection with them besides I have more Connections to the Mane 6 because I can Relate to them they are like Family to me so that's why I stand up for them as Best as I can

in Conclusion if you like G5 that's Cool but Please don't rub it in my Face I refuse to like them and if you don't like them too Nice.

Thanks for Reading and I hope I got All the Questions Answered. I Love you guys and have an Awesome Day


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