Born to Silly


OMG, coloured lines. ;O; Haven't done that before in the right way, yet its much more complex then it exactly looks. ;; I just wanted to draw a simple yet very beautifully coloured character from Echiko-sa for such a long time and I wasn't sure how to draw them so I decided to them their OC for some practice on body structure, eyes and cell shading. I still need to work on things like wings and body structure as a whole but I'm quite proud of how this came out and to try something new was exciting for me. <33 Just hope you like it Echiko. ;v;
Reyna Cloverfield belongs to :iconechiko-sa:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
916x1000px 316.01 KB
Published: Sep 17, 2017
© 2017 — 2021 InspiredPixels


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