[bq]They openly hate ponies[/bq] Hol' the fuck up. _What._
I don't know who told you this, but it's immensely wrong. [bq]I don't go to 4chan.[/bq] And this explains why you don't know that.
Also, they allow suggestive art. Even very saucy stuff. But outright nipples/genitals _might_ get you temp banned if it's seen/reported. [spoiler]But there's the rare time jannies let it slide[/spoiler]
"@Background Pony #A4F4":/images/6252472#comment_5658
[bq]An identity is irrelevant to the success of a post, simply what's important is the quality of the thing being posted itself. An identity would only serve to muddle and distort the intent whatever's being posted as now you're not judging it based on its own merit, but rather you are influenced by who is posting it and sidetracking the content itself by whatever prejudices and dogmas you have attained for said invidivual based on past experiences or even due to a lack of them.[/bq] >>1345829s