> Full-scene vector from a sketch by [WhimsyMorning](https://whimsymorning.deviantart.com/), better known on the [Ask Seaswirl Tumblr](https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://ask-seaswirl.tumblr.com/). He hasn't posted the original reference, so until he does you'll just have to trust that I'm not crediting someone for nothing Reference linked below! ;) I'm open to critique on color choices and background modification suggestions, as I'm not sure that they are as good as they could be. However, any anatomy issues need to be brought up with the sketch artist!
This was drawn during the 2015 SeaBronies Expedition 1 cruise to the Bahamas. Prints may be available through [BronyHouse](https://bronyhouse.deviantart.com/) or direct from [SeaBronies](https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://www.meetup.com/SeaBronies/), if I can get the permissions together. Stay tuned.  Unlike most of my images, this one is specifically marked to disallow re-use and prevent printing. If you'd like a copy, please send a note! Fun trivia: Besides Sea Sailor's colors and the logos, the colors for everything else come from a show pony. Created in AI CS6