[MLP NEXT GEN] Butterscotch Please tell me who made the base, I can't find it! The only son of Sunshower and Apple Brown Betty. He was born at Sweet Apple Acres and has lived there his entire life with his cousins Applebloom, Applejack and Big Mac (though he sees them more as aunts / uncles). He was born a filly, but quickly realised he simply wasn't one. The Apples were incredibly open and accepting the whole way through. He grew up with his two friends, Fawn and Punchline and fell into a sort of depression when Punchline left for her Equestria-wide tour for her stand-up comedy, falling out of contact with Fawn. However, he met a stallion named Sapphire who was visiting from Canterlot and got into a relationship with him. When Punchline returns, he, Fawn and Punch all become close once again and gained some confidence in himself back.