
Originally posted on: June 10, 2018, 7:01 PM UTC
Next-gen~ Just smile and wave
The day was sunny as usual, with beautiful puffy clouds here and there. Ponies walked through the streets of the Crystal Empire, a wide smile of joy in their faces. Their crystalized bodies shone in the light of day, powered by love.
Flurry Heart stood in her balcony, staring down at her subjects. As she did that, she caught a glimpse of her hoof. Crystalized with love. A weak smile streched on her face, but it soon disapered.
'What is my purpose in this?' Flurry thought. Yeah she was a princess, but what was it exactly? Her mother, Mi Amore Cadenza, was the empress of the Crystal Empire. Her father, Shining Armor, the leader of the Crystal Empire Guard. Her sister, Saphire Dome, second in line of the throne was just a filly, and her only occupation right now was just have fun.
She had heard some teen mares talk about some kind of party later in the week. They sounded excited so it might be some kind of important date. She thought of every celebration there could be but none was supposed to happen in that date. Maybe one of her cousins birthday ahe have forgotten? No, she had memorized her cousins birthdays like the back of her hoof. So what was it? Was it…for her? No she was just a princess, a next in line for the throne, a heir of the empress of love. Maybe something would decide her part in the future, but for now, she just needed to smile and wave.
Hi guys, haven't done anything for my next gen in a while. Lol I have really thought of Flurry Heart recently, and I have something in mind for her. >:3 This AU will be kind of like a comic. Yeah Benajmin will have his own story like Flurry. But one story is in Ponyville and the other one in the Crystal Empire. Also yeah, Flurry Heart has a sister. Her name is Saphire Dome, I will later make a ref and bio for her.
Hope you guys like my next gen. -


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