Robbie Pan
Peter Pan — King Rob (Gumball and Rob VS the Forces of Evil)
Tinker Bell — King Fleaswallow (Parappa the Rapper)
Wendy Darling — Paige Hogan
John Darling — Panty Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Michael Darling — Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Nana (The Dog) — Victoria the Fox (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Captain Hook — Black Zalgo Pagie
Mr. Smee — White Zalgo Pagie
Tiger Lily — Mina Loveberry (Star VS the Forces of Evil)
Tick Tock (The Crocodile) — Captain Hook (Jake and the Neverland Pirates
The Lost Children — Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony), Cosmo (The Fairly OddParents), Sky (Friday Night Funkin'), Cloud (Friday Night Funkin'), Pibby (Learning with Pibby) and Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan)
(The reason why I chose Captain Hook as Tick Tock Croc is because, I wondered in my head, "What if Tick Tock Croc and Captain Hook swapped bodies? If Tick Tock Croc and Captain Hook swapped bodies, then Tick Tock Croc would be Captain Croc and Captain Hook would be Tick Tock Hook!". So, yeah.)
Peter Pan — King Rob (Gumball and Rob VS the Forces of Evil)
Tinker Bell — King Fleaswallow (Parappa the Rapper)
Wendy Darling — Paige Hogan
John Darling — Panty Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Michael Darling — Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Nana (The Dog) — Victoria the Fox (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Captain Hook — Black Zalgo Pagie
Mr. Smee — White Zalgo Pagie
Tiger Lily — Mina Loveberry (Star VS the Forces of Evil)
Tick Tock (The Crocodile) — Captain Hook (Jake and the Neverland Pirates
The Lost Children — Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony), Cosmo (The Fairly OddParents), Sky (Friday Night Funkin'), Cloud (Friday Night Funkin'), Pibby (Learning with Pibby) and Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan)
(The reason why I chose Captain Hook as Tick Tock Croc is because, I wondered in my head, "What if Tick Tock Croc and Captain Hook swapped bodies? If Tick Tock Croc and Captain Hook swapped bodies, then Tick Tock Croc would be Captain Croc and Captain Hook would be Tick Tock Hook!". So, yeah.)
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