Born to Silly



(Theme song to The New My Little Pony Show)

Part 1: Fake Vacation

(In the morning, Surprise woke up with a tropical glass of water)

Surprise: You know, this life of leisure is wearing me down. (points on hoof on top of the sky) What I need is a vacation!

(Surprise, in Fizzy’s house is talking on the phone)

Surprise: Hello! Traveling agency! I’d like to book a vacation! Preferably somewhere warm. I’ve saved my whole life for this trip so money is no object!

(Fizzy is surprised by her)

Surprise: You heard me, a nice long holiday!

(Fizzy holding her hooves)

Fizzy: What a swell set up!

(She knocks on the door)

Fizzy: Hello friend!

(Fizzy looks at Surprise who is squashed)

Fizzy: You look like you could use a vacation!
Surprise: Who are you!
Fizzy: Girl Fizzy, traveling vacation salespony.

(Fizzy shakes her hoof to glad that Surprise is getting dizzy)

Fizzy: Let them make and should glad that know, ya! Yes, sir! You have just won a free vacation to the Germane Polynesian Islands with a one-time processing fee of 5,000 dollars, you will be well on your way to the island vacation of your dreams!
Surprise: Hmmm, Germane Polynesian, eh? Well how come I’ve never heard of them?
Fizzy: Why, uh, that’s because it’s an island and they don’t have any phones! It keeps away the riffraff.
Surprise: How quaintly rustic! Well, I have to think about it.
Fizzy: There will be girls sport.
Surprise: Ah, go on with you.

(She accidentally walks away and Fizzy drags Surprise on the floor)

Fizzy: Not just any girls, chum. Hula ponies.
Surprise: HULA PONIES! What’s a hula pony?

(Fizzy looks at a hula pony dancing)

Surprise: WOOHOO!
Fizzy: There’s just a business and a five grand, then you’re good to go.
Surprise: Hula ponies, here we come!

(Fizzy is pretending to be a pilot that she called Pilot Fizzy with a co-pilot, Surprise on the box plane)

Fizzy: OK, let’s get this crate off the ground! (raspberry noises)
Surprise: Excuse me!
Fizzy: Please, don’t annoy the pilot there and take off!
Surprise: This I got to see!
Fizzy: Contact!

(Pilot Fizzy pulling the handle on)

Surprise: What the?
Fizzy: Fizzy can around and co! We are experiencing toilets! Mayday! Mayday! GERONIMO!!!!!
Surprise: Uh, Pilot Fizzy?

(Pilot Fizzy turns Surprise to spin around the box plane watch her go)

Fizzy: Aloha, mainly bling.

(Fizzy puts Surprise on the ground and wearing some tropical clothes)

Fizzy: Join us now for thrilling tropical high dive spear fishing in our exotic fish tank!

(Surprise is now Underwater Surprise and wore a swimsuit, a dive mask, and some flippers)

Fizzy: So long, sucker!

(Fizzy opens the door and surprised)

Surprise: Look what I got!
Fizzy: Oh swell, and guess what for a hundred bucks more those can be customized culinary concoction by our very own chef fe-new!
Surprise: Chef fe-new?
Fizzy: Yeah, if she knew you were coming, she’d have baked that cake!

(Fizzy slammed the door for her)

Surprise: Hmm?

(Fizzy opened the window)

Surprise: Hey you! Where’s this so-called luau!
Fizzy: What luau?
Surprise: This luau.

(A picture of Surprise and the hula ponies and she is holding a sausage on her fork and wearing a pineapple hat and some overalls)

Fizzy: The one with the hula ponies!

(Fizzy brings Surprise to her closet)

Fizzy: Right this way, my good fella!

(Fizzy slammed and locked the door of Surprise)

Fizzy: (laughing) Hula ponies. (giggles)

(Fizzy rips her aloha skirt)

Fizzy: So long, sap!

(Fizzy look shocked)

Fizzy: Nah, that’s silly!

(Fizzy walks away)

Surprise: (giggles) Surfs up, wack bikini schnitzels!

(Surprise rushed and grabbed her clothes)

Surprise: More ice! More ice, ma’am! WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE ICE!

(Surprise rushed in)

Surprise: …..and what is the rice pineapple!

(Fizzy knocks on the door)

Surprise: Yes?
Fizzy: What’s going on in there?
Surprise: Sorry! INVITATION ONLY!

(Fizzy knocks on the door again)

Surprise: Oh boy, the song, the thrills, the hula ponies. What a luau, and I owe it all to you, pal! This is the best vacation I’ve ever had in my life!
Fizzy: Wait a minute! There ain’t no luau! That ain’t no vacation and I’ll prove it!
Surprise: But?

(Fizzy locked on the door)

Fizzy: Woohoo!
Surprise: Hey, let me back in!
Fizzy: Beat it, and I’m taking over this vacation!
Surprise: Oh yeah, well I had paid for it!
Fizzy: There’s your money back deals off! Now, get lost!
Surprise: I’ll report you to the Germane Polynesian Travel Bureau!
Fizzy: Charming Polynesian! (laughing) You go ahead and do that, chum! I made it all up! There ain’t no such a thing! (grunting)
Surprise: Hello, Germane Polynesian Travel Bureau!

(Fizzy pulling the handle)

Surprise: I’d like to report someone!
Fizzy: Eee-yow!
Surprise: Yeah, some unicorn tried to sell me a scam vacation!
Fizzy: Hula ponies, here I come!

(Dynamo exploded)

Fizzy: Crowbar, jack, d-d-dynamo, what am I gonna get next?
Surprise: How about five to ten in the pokey!
Fizzy: (crying) NOOOOOOO!!!!!

(Surprise unlocks the door and turned it off)

Surprise: (laughing)

(The End)

Part 2: Medical Whistler Pig

(Wind Whistler eating some popcorn and watching the TV)

TV Announcer: Dr. Michelle, I-I can’t hide it anymore, I think it’s time I told you how I feel about you. Tune in next week to see the dramatic inclusion on Pega-S.U.S!
Wind Whistler: Wow! The medical field is so exciting! The action, the drama. “Nurse Whistler to emergency!” No. “Dr. Whistler to breathe, sir!” No, no! “She, for staffs Wind Whistler to the O.R.! Staff!” I’m going to find out a career in medicine today!

(The entrance of the hospital)

Dr. Horse: Uh, but boss! I’m so close. All I need is a proper subject to clone. Oh, don’t worry, boss! I’m on top of it! Yep, I’m a dead pony. If I don’t find a subject to clone right away, I’m washed up finished. Where, oh where will I find a volunteer! Huh?
Wind Whistler: Hi, I want to work here.
Dr. Horse: What are the odds?
Wind Whistler: It’s Wind Whistler, and I’d like to become……
Dr. Horse: That’s fine, that’s fine.

(Going down into the elevator)

Dr. Horse: If you’ll just step into my lab, we’ll run a few tests. (giggling)

(Dr. Horse shows Wind Whistler to listen up to our steps)

Dr. Horse: All right, listen up! This is a precise scientific instrument designed for only one purpose, of course (clears throat) I wouldn’t expect a lay-pony to understand.
Wind Whistler: Why no, ma’am. How could a lay-pony be expected to know about a linear instrument designed to test the effect of the harmonic resonance on the rhombic area with an emphasis on the cordial nerve group.
Dr. Horse: All right, then let’s get started. Huh? Hmm? Huh? Huh? OOOOFFF!!!!!
Wind Whistler: Oh, doctor! My first medical emergency!

(Fixing some tapes to Dr. Horse)

Wind Whistler: Test complete, doc! Am I ready to work in the E.R.?
Dr. Horse: Uh, let’s move on to another test, shall we?

(Dr. Horse puts Wind Whistler on the machine)

Dr. Horse: This test will measure your brain activity and I.Q. Please answer all my questions as possible. Ready?
Wind Whistler: Ready!
Dr. Horse: What is 2 + 2?
Wind Whistler: 4.
Dr. Horse: What’s the definition of plethora?
Wind Whistler: A lot!
Dr. Horse: What is my Tulsas?
Wind Whistler: The division, the cell, nucleus!
Dr. Horse: What is the success?
Wind Whistler: I turn the mullet clips off and tolerate, in which the earth is at the center of the universe!
Dr. Horse: How did you get that so fast?

(Wind Whistler blinks at Dr. Horse)

Dr. Horse: Is this giving you the answers? Give me that! Now, ask me a question. Go ahead, ask me.
Wind Whistler: Hmmmm, what was that lever do?
Dr. Horse: This lever! (screams)
Wind Whistler: That is dangerous!
Dr. Horse: (groans)

(Wind Whistler runs in a treadmill with Dr. Horse)

Wind Whistler: Doctor, this will be perfect training if I decide to go to the physical therapy department!
Dr. Horse: Just keep running, I have to find out if you’re a good enough subject to clone.
Wind Whistler: What did you say?
Dr. Horse: I mean, but, I just said phone, phone! I have to test your hearing on the phone. AAAAAH-NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

(Dr. Horse is flattened by the treadmill)

Wind Whistler: Doctor! (cries) Oh no. Hmm, what would they do on Pega-S.U.S.? As I always say when in doubt improvise!

(Wind Whistler blows on Dr. Horse into a balloon and back to normal)

Wind Whistler: That’s inflation for ya!

(Poofs out)

Wind Whistler: Yes, another medical miracle performed by Wind Whistler!
Dr. Horse: Ohhhhh.

(Wind Whistler and Dr. Horse are walking into the medical scam)

Wind Whistler: Ooooh, when can I use these, doctor?
Dr. Horse: Just get behind the machine.

(Wind Whistler uses the skeleton)

Dr. Horse: All right, Wind Whistler, this should be painless. Wind Whistler!

(Skeleton scanning)

Dr. Horse: Oh, I knew I should have finish medical school! Huh?
Wind Whistler: I’m ready for my close-up, doctor!
Dr. Horse: E-E-E-Eye Exam. That’s it, Eye Exam.

(Wind Whistler and Dr. Horse rushed out)

Dr. Horse: Please read the top line.
Wind Whistler: U.
Dr. Horse: Now, you read it.
Wind Whistler: I.
Dr. Horse: Yes you, now go ahead.
Wind Whistler: Y.
Dr. Horse: Because, I said OK?
Wind Whistler: K.
Dr. Horse: (sighs) Nevermind! Let’s do a DOG Scan and see what’s going on in that head of yours.
Wind Whistler: Oh no, doctor! I’m allergic to dogs.
Dr. Horse: There’s no dog here, that’s just what it’s called a DOG Scan.
Wind Whistler: But I sneeze, swell up and itch all over!
Dr. Horse: Look, dog stands for demonstration operative generation, there is no canine in this machine. I’ll prove it to you. (screams)

(A green furbob walked away from her)

Wind Whistler: Doctor, now that you see I can handle any emergency that arises. What department will I be working in? Emergency room, E.R., recovering, operating theater, whatever we do have better being a hurry! After all, my time is valuable and I-
Wind Whistler: Well, I’m not so sure I even want to work in a hospital that has the likes of you on this staff!

(Wind Whistler storming out of Dr. Horse)

Wind Whistler: Harsh words, but a doctor has to assert herself. I’m going all the way to the top, doctor!
Dr. Horse: That’s enough the elevator!

(Wind Whistler going up into the rooftop while Dr. Horse gets mummified)

Dr. Horse: I’ll be blamed for everything! I got to get out of here!
Wind Whistler: Oh no, you don’t, doctor! You’re not well enough to leave our care!
Speaker: Dr. Wind Whistler, the Nurse Whistler in the O.R.!
Dr. Horse: (gasps)
Wind Whistler Clones: Hello, Nurse Wind Whistler! Who’s your friend? She doesn’t look well. Right this way, handy girl!
Dr. Horse: (gasps and panicking)

(Dr. Horse goes away by her)

Wind Whistler: In order to work in a hospital, you’ve got to have patients! (laughs)

(The End)

Part 3: Cable Ace

(Outside of Surprise’s house)

Surprise: I love sport season, just me, the TV, and all the snacks I can eat!
TV Announcer: Yes, it’s a great day for an exciting game of badminton.
Surprise: They got the bad part, right?
Garth: Height is a fight day about the Ponyland Games!
Surprise: I love the Ponyland Games, better stock up on some more munchies!

(Surprise gets vacuum to clean the house)

Surprise: Now, where are my haggis flavored pork rinds.
Garth: This concludes our pre-preview! If you want to see the Ponyland Games, call your local cable service and pay up, today!
Surprise: No! The Ponyland Games! Whoa! (grunting and blubbering)

(The vacuum pops to fall Surprise into the ground)

Surprise: OW!!!

(4-Speed digging into the ground and shows Gusty a cable charger)

4-Speed: Congratulations, Mrs. Unicorn! You’re an official cable subscriber.
Gusty: Yippee-dippy!
4-Speed: I uh, get a bonus for any referrals, Mrs. Unicorn. You can have some friends over to enjoy the Ponyland Games.
Surprise: Did you say Ponyland Games!

(Surprise playing the bagpipes and walking away from Gusty and 4-Speed)

Gusty: No Ponyland Games for me! You’re the English Channel, yeah?

(Gusty holding her cable charger and running away from 4-Speed)

Surprise: Hey, buddy! Can you put your cable on sale for a true Scottish patriot? The Ponyland Games of the parade to me, people!

(Surprise playing the bagpipes and dancing)

Surprise: Wait, I’ve watched them since I was a wee scripter of a twig-pony!
4-Speed: No discounts on my watch, yellow. You pay full price like everybody else!
Surprise: Only two hours till the games and I can afford full price, I need cable.

(Gusty watching a TV)

Gusty: Oh yeah, the English Channel! Hmm?
Surprise: Excuse me, Mrs. Unicorn! But we forgot one crucial part of your cable, the black box.

(Surprise fixing the cable on the TV)

Surprise: All righty then, Mrs. U! We’ll phone you for the cable office! You tell us when your parabolic receiver is giving you the best reception!

(Surprise in the TV Channel)

Gusty: Hello?
Surprise: OK, Mrs. U! I just need you to scan through the channels and stop on 47.

(Gusty playing the TV)

Surprise: Stop right there and uh, could you turn up the volume? Now, don’t move for say “Oh, a week” while we make some very technical adjustments.

(Ringing the bell)

4-Speed: Just doing a service check, Mrs. Unicorn. How’s your cable service going, huh?
Gusty: The cable’s still not coming in.
4-Speed: What?

(4-Speed breaking the objects out of Surprise)

Surprise: Just uh (giggles), sampling.
Gusty: PEGASUS!!!
4-Speed: It’s a federal offense to impersonate a pony of the cable!

(Surprise in the TV and crashed into the ground)

4-Speed: I’ll be keeping a sharp eye on you, yellow. That cable service is licensed to Mrs. Unicorn’s TV and here’s TV only!

(4-Speed fell out in the ground)

Surprise: Hmm, if the cable’s wired to Gusty’s TV, that’s just okey-dokey with me. (giggles)

(Surprise pulling the wire)

Surprise: (grunting) Neighbors should share and share alike.

(Surprise shaking her tail on some clouds and jumping in)

Knight Shade: Welcome to the English Channels cooking with meatballs followed by the hit game show. Oh boy, who wants a green card? Today’s recipe is entitled cooking with plutonium. We will make the average wiener dog into the uber wiener dog. First, we must boil seven, but used any wonder. Use English, you’re bon bonder. Available for short time only to use English Channel Viewers for $30 a month! Call the number on your screen and order now! Now, pour two cups of English yard water to depend and re-get tour volume.

(Gusty gets very angry at Surprise eating her food)

Surprise: Ooh, look! The alphabets in my super spelling of message, don’t hit the good-looking pegasus!

(Gusty bringing the TV back from her)

Surprise: I’ve got to watch the games. Wait a minute, a cable is registered to Gusty, so the cable can only watched in Gusty’s house! Not a problem.

(Gusty bringing her foods into Surprise’s house)

Gusty: (humming) Hmm, this is odd. HUH!!!

(Surprise watching the Ponyland Games in our channel)

Garth: To excitable class, we’ll cover whole sorts of events from the-
Gusty: This is yours!

(Surprise, using her muscles into her house to fall and crashed by the ground)

Surprise: (grunting) AH!

(Surprise fixing her house into the clouds of the sky)

Surprise: Forget cable, satellite is the best reception on the planet. 3, 2, 1!

(Surprise pushes the button and launching the rocket)

Surprise: Blast off, and the best part is it’s free!

(The alien dragon appeared in this episode and crashed)

Ferdinand: What to go, late it! There’s that!

(Ferdinand tied the cable and the satellite dish on Surprise’s head and spins around by her)

Surprise: Now, I’ll never get to watch the Ponyland Games.
4-Speed: You’re under arrest for violation of airspace, violation of international satellite treaties, violation of local and federal zoning laws, and for generally having an all-out bad idea!
Surprise: You can’t arrest me!
4-Speed: I can’t, but he can!

(Quarterback sends Surprise to jail)

Surprise: Oh boy, we get the Ponyland Games!

(Quarterback drags Surprise that she is arrested)

Quarterback: The only games in here are chess by mail and a little diversion the boys call “Hey, what are you staring at!”

(Quarterback drags Surprise and locked out)

Surprise: Now, for my version of “What are you starin’ at” the Ponyland Games! (laughing)

(Quarterback gets angry at her)

Surprise: Could you at least, turn up the volume?

(The End)

(End credits to The New My Little Pony Show)

(An ending scene of Surprise is still underwater-ified by taking a bathtub by her)

Surprise: I was going to take a bath now.
Fizzy: (laughing) I will let you go!
Surprise: Ohh.

(The end of the show)


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