
Originally posted on: July 13, 2019, 1:17 AM UTC
> {NextGen}~ Eggs
> Yayyyy more next gen.
> So in my verse Spike and Thorax get married, but of course they both are males. And what happens whith males? They can't reproduce without a female. Thorax and Spike awlays thought about that in their own time, and later on they talk about it, and decide that maybe they can adopt or donate sperm for a female to birth their child. They were in a very hard position, and their love for each other just grew, and both just cuddled up on their bed and cried together. But later on in the morning, they woke up to a bump in the sheets, and when they uncovered it, they were just confused. Like wat?
> And then they panicked. As they walked out with the eggs in their arms ready to ask the changeling community of whose eggs they were, changelings cheered and screamed "Our rulers have heirs!" "Live long our rulers!"
> Spike and Thorax went to Twilight for help, and Twilight cloncluded that the love they both shared was strong enough to create an offspring, or offsprings. Twilight went momma mode on Spike, telling him on how proud she was of him and also congratulating Thorax. (In my universe, Spike and Twilight have a mom-son relationship since Twilight was the one who hatched him.) Oh Twilight was so ready to be a grandmother, telling them stories, teach them the story of magic, share her adventures, and well lets say Twilight was very intrigued about Dragon-Chageling hybrids and would visit regularly to take notes on their evolution. C'mon who wouldn't?Im just caring for them!
> Thorax and Spike already had a list of names they would've named their little child if they ever adopted, but all of them went flying out the window and just went with simple but cute names. So the middle, orange egg is Blaze, the oldest, Beetle is the middle, and Clara is the youngest of the litter. Both Thorax and Spike are so proud of themeselves even if they did not plan it this way.
> ~
> So, yeh finally doing some of my SpikeXThorax next gen. I first thought of doing just one kid for them, but when I saw [Vindhov]( 's Thorax's next gen I was so inspired and I was like duck it I will make some more. Originaly the orange egg would've been the only one and the name would have been Beetle Blaze but then I was like mehhhh too lame.
> I will later make their designs so yeah, really hyped up to make them. -
> Hope you guys like it~


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