> 31st May 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> I haven't taken part in it much, but managing multiple sets of players with asymmetrical information across different rooms always seemed both really cool and really difficult to balance such that everyone has a good time without much downtime.
> DM: HOO boy… How's everybody doing in here?
> Fluttershy: Doing fine…
> Applejack: How's the, uh, "plan" comin' along? He throw you any curveballs yet?
> DM: I won't share any specifics, but suffice to say I don't think we're catastrophically off the rails yet. Anyway, what do you all want to do next?
> Twilight Sparkle: Since Discord is basically on the run and can teleport at will… I was thinking that I could return to Canterlot and look into a chaos-magic-detection spell that can reach all across Equestria.
> DM: Sounds reasonable, though that may take up to an entire day to set up. What would the rest of you like to do?
> Fluttershy: We'll stay in Ponyville, make sure everyone's okay…
> Rainbow Dash: …and if Discord comes back, we'll make him regret it!
> DM: What if you need to communicate while you're separated? …Oh. Right. Spike.