Born to Silly


So, at this point I've made it quite clear that while I did enjoy the Season 9 finale, I felt that it had way more potential. Not bad by any means as it wrapped things up nicely, but the story could've had more thought put into it. Hence the existence of this amateur rewrite. To recap, my idea was basically to bring back the "Real" Grogar rather than having Discord impersonate him. He recruits most of the past villains of the series, but tricks them into getting his bell back, allowing him to create a new army of monsters to retake Equestria. The remaining villain trio of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow warn the Mane 6 and reluctantly form a temporary alliance with them in order to stop the evil ram. Grogar to my knowledge is one of the most iconic villains not only in G4, but in the entire franchise. And I felt that the finale we got did him a bit of a disservice.

One major idea I had was Grogar transforming himself into a gigantic behemoth in addition to his new army; An ancient, ultimate evil that represents everything that the Mane 6 and their friends stand against. Everyone seemed to enjoy that idea and I thought I'd take it a bit further here by having him attempt to literally eat one of the princesses to assert his dominance over the kingdom. A moment that would've been pretty intense for a show like this, but FIM is no stranger to intense moments, so I don't think it would hurt. '

I also wanted to put Spike in the spotlight a bit by having him be the hero of this moment. He may be small, but he has a lot of heart.


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