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Name: Pyre
Nickname(s): —
Species/Gender: Dragon/Genderfluid (She/They)
Mark/Talent: —
Personality: Mischevious, happy, energetic. Slightly spoiled, and can be a bit selfish. Often annoying people around her.
Important relationships:
Dot Bullet (Pink) — F2U! Celestia (Mother) — Gosh, she's the absolute best! Pyre loves to spend time with her, wether its going someplace fun and exiting together, or just her reading stories to Pyre before bedtime. Pyre is a bit biased though, as all dragon children are extremely devoted to the parent they imprint on.
Dot Bullet (Light Blue) — F2U! Idunn (Cousin) — She's fun, and loud, and exiting, and often babysits Pyre when Celestia is busy. Pyre really looks up to her, and wants to be royal guard when she grows up, just like Idunn.
Dot Bullet (Pink) — F2U! Ember (Biological Mother) — Pyre really isn't sure how to feel about Ember. She keeps visiting and trying to connect with Pyre, but it mostly just ends up with them awkwardly sitting in silence. Pyre is just too interested in "pony things" which Ember can't really relate too.
Dot Bullet (Light Blue) — F2U! Fire Striker (Bio Older Brother) — He and her other brother are bigger than her and very… rough and tumble, even more than Pyre is, so she find them a bit intimidating. But at least Striker is always kind and inviting her to play-fight with them, so she supposes he's not that bad. Just… has different interests than she.
Dot Bullet (Pink) — F2U! Scorch (Bio Older Brother) — Similarly to Striker, Pyre find him a bit intimidating. He doesn't speak much, but he seems… pleased? when Pyre plays with them, so that's something, at least.

After she became Dragon Lord, Ember had dragons practically throwing themselves at her during the next breeding season. So after the next dragon migration, where dragons from all over travel to leave their eggs with the Dragon Lord for protection, she found herself with a clutch of three. Two hatched, and imprinted on her, but the third seemed to be a dud. After a while, she heard of how Twilight helped Spike's egg hatch by filling him with magic: causing his egg to hatch, and him to imprint on her. She asked Twilight to do the same for her egg, but Twilight had her hooves full with toddler Moonstone and teenage Spike, and was a bit reluctant to say yes. So Celestia offered to do it -she had many excuses as to why, but the truth is that she just really likes children and to be a mother.

So, with Ember nearby hoping that in this case the hatchling would still imprint on her, Celestia hatched the egg. Unfortunently, the hatchling did imprint on Celestia instead; dragons imprint on whichever parent's magic most resemble their own, and with Celestia filling the egg with magic, Pyre's magic was altered to match hers. Ember still thought that this was better than an unhatched egg, so she gave Pyre her name and left her with Celestia, returning home to her other children.

Pyre grew up absolutely doted on and loved by Celestia, and spoiled rotten by everyone living and working in the castle. The guards would patiently let her climb on them and try to eat their armor, the cleaners would often leave little treats on her pillow and blow bubbles for her to chase, and the gardeners would turn a blind eye when she dug up flowerbeds looking for cool bugs. The only ones who'd turn up their noses at her were the more traditional nobles, and even then they didn't dare do or say anything out of fear of what Celestia would do. Pyre doesn't notice, and continue romping through life, assuming that everyone loves her. She's actually a slight bit spoiled, and will sometimes throw tantrums when she doesn't want to do something. Celestia has noticed this though, and is working on it.

She still sees her biological family regularly; they either visit the castle, or Celestia takes her to the dragonlands. Pyre mostly finds these visits awkward, and doesn't enjoy them very much. But she puts up with it, because Celestia gets upset when she doesn't; she tried not to let Pyre see this, but she still noticed. In general, she's very uninterested in learning about her dragon heritage. Celestia thinks this is because she's still partially imprined on her, and thus focused on ponies still. In actuality, it's because Pyre is really good at being the stereotypical pony child mischevious, but sweet, nice and cute and really bad at being a stereotypical dragon child -she can't fight, she's not particularly greedy, and she can't be as rough as the dragon children she's met. So, to feel better, she tells herself that dragons are dumb, and that she'd much rather be a pony anyway.

That's an issue for future Pyre to deal with though. Currently, everyone around her is happy to have her living in the castle with Celestia and just.. be a child.

Dot Bullet (Pink) — F2U! The color of her fire is pink, and she can sometimes use it to send items to Celestia. She's not good at it, so it's 50/50 if the item is sent or burnt.
Bullet; Blue She has a dragon plush which was crocheted by Spike and goven to her for her fifth birthday. She used to carry it around everywhere, until she got her wings. Now she says she's too big for dolls, while still sleeping with it when she thinks noone is looking.
Dot Bullet (Pink) — F2U! Dragon biology and psychology is really weird and varies to and extreme amount. For one, Pyre is intersex, as are somewhere around 20% of all dragons.
Bullet; Blue She's also really "young" mentally, so to speak. Dragons all get their wings (i.e. are no longer babies) and enter their first heat (ie. are considered full adults) at around the same age, but vary a lot mentally. Pyre is on the lower end, and is about equivalent to an eight years old when in her teens. (Spike was at the higher end, being equivalent to somewhere around twelve when he was technically still a baby). That is quite normal though, so Celestia and Ember aren't worried.


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