Born to Silly


beloved imperialist horse <3

Queen Celestia Solar Flare
(she/her/it/its, Agender Fem, Pansexual)
-elegant and ethereal, her appearance is almost uncanny and alien to normal ponies
-was born a unicorn shortly after the events of the hearth's warming legend. She is approximately 2,500 years old, and has little memory of her youth.
-she is a vessel for solar energy, and ascended to alicorn-hood after giving herself up as a sacrifice to prevent the death of the sun. she is a true immortal and cannot be killed.
-she and luna are not related at all, and took up the mantle of sisterhood after luna ascended. originally, luna was celestia's student and they only became co-rulers after luna became an alicorn
-she is the first pony to get a cutie mark, and her special talent is raising the sun. her cutie mark creeps down her legs and the stripes shimmer in the light like luster-dust
-she has had many lovers over her lifetime, and even had a family before ascending. currently, she is married to queen chrysalis and they have two children together, one alicorn and one changeling. She loves all of them in her own way.


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