LYRICS: FIZZY: Wow horrific, Teaching kids to swim in garbage makes me sick. Is this what’s become of MLP? Oh gee, Oneeeee Big heap of garbage 5 gainst the O.G.1!
Look at this mare, That chin, Face smashed in, What’s your cutie mark? You the village pincushion?
Gee A New Generation is the best thing you’ll ever be in, And that was only for the animation.
Already got seasonal rot, time to abort No doubt your content will be like your hair, cut short.
I don’t even have to try, Got a twinkle in my eye, You’re just a tired, uninspired, unicycled Pinkie Pie!
IZZY: Hi new friend! Or old friend. Let’s not pretend… You're like 50. Take off those rose colored gems. Girl don’t you know? That even Lauren Faust kinda hated your show. Oh!
G1 ponies are the Pony ladders bottom rung. Our worst song is better than what you have ever sung!
We talkin Movies? Cause ours was the best! Yours was a Smooze fest. A total snooze fest!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but your always in trouble, Trapped. Turned into glass. Moochick and Megan always saving your ass.
Honeyyy your sparkle looks like crap! You’re a hasbin! Throw you in the trash bin. You’re gonna fit right in!
FIZZY: Gosh you look tired. The movie really took it out of you. Sure you’re gonna be up for Coco Melon chapter 2?
Come and see, now in glorious CGI! A one dimensional pony, Kimiko Glenn will never reprize!
No wonder fans are bitter, Your character’s just litter and glitter, Dragon Baby sitter, And your legs look like fingers!
You’re as dull as rocks. Can’t think outside the box. Your show has made its mark as a flop, It’s Maritime to stop!
IZZY: Oh poor Fizzy, you’ve fallen behind. You’re defective, diseased from that crippling regrind. Ew!
Looks like Somnambula got you on the run. You got cancer, you’re bleached, you’ve been blinded by the sun!
Is this all too much for your withering old bones? Why don’t you mind your own business, like you mine gemstones
Now I’m done with you Fizzy see ya, so long, Go on, go back to the wizard, cause that’s where you belong ___=+ This is a non-profit based parody series. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. Scootertrix Studios is not affiliated with Hasbro, their subsidies, or any other party related to My Little Pony. Please support the official release. =+___ Epic pony rap battle, cartoon rap battle, mlp rap battle, history g5 vs g1, mlp g1