Born to Silly


The second batch of Discord's minions

Needle Hawks: Coming up to the shoulder of a pony, Needle Hawks arent used as aggressive pawns. Instead their role is that of a scout and giving sight to those far away. Its body resembles that of a hawk. It has no head. Instead it has rows of spikes or needles as cultists refer to them as. Even though it was mainly used as a scouting unit, sometimes it was used as a skirmisher. Firing upon quick time units (pegasi) and others. The needles were coated in a sort of puss, so infection is quick to set in and will most likely be fatal unless cured immediately. Needle Hawks are never without ammo as it seems that they actually create ammo within themselves. This makes it so they can fire endlessly.
It has only one leg, so it was also nicknamed Hopper due to when it was on the ground it had to hop around. On its chest is a large jewel which scryers of the chaos army can watch on from a distance without putting themselves in danger.
Killing them is tricky. Their small size and quick nature make them hard targets. As well as their nasty habit of exploding upon death. One should be clear of them, for the needles and pus that lay inside their bodies will most likely slice right through anything in the immediate area. (A living bomb in a way.)

Destructicorns: Ponies whose prowess in destructive magic exceeds that of normal unicorns are ascended into these forms. They take the form of black alicorns, with red manes and red stripes along their bodies. (Yes, Im doing this.)
Usually commanding large groups of Smashers, these pawns will do everything in their power to destroy their enemies in Discords name. Their destructive magic makes defense against their attacks nearly impossible to stop. And their will, will not be bent and their bloodlust cannot be quenched. They will bleed the enemy and crush their skull. BLOOD FOR CHAOS!
Of course given this nature, they arent very bright and one way to kill them is to trick themwhich isnt hard. You just have to do it quickly, else theyll blow you to pieces.
Their role as army breakers is well earned. Of course, given their bloodthirsty nature and usage of magic, teleportation, levitation {that doesnt involve crushing something.) and other such magic are beyond them.
Their presence on battlefield will be quickly known for they have a habit of shouting everything they say and the fact that they cant stand to go through an hour without blowing something up.
Their commanders find them frustrating to command, since tactics and strategies of chaos will sometimes be thwarted by an overeager Destructicorn thrusting itself and its troops into an obvious trap. So, they are often kept in a living coma in between battles.

Smashers: Large, heavily armored cultists who have performed well for the cult of Discord. As fitting their name, they revel in the act of crushing an enemy. Huge maces are preferred weapons, but axes are chosen as well.
Theyve been morphed slightly, giving them long reptilian tails with mace like end and thicker skin.
Their armor is enchanted, giving them extra protection.
Again, like the Destructicorns, Smashers arent brightIn fact they are very stupid. Though it doesnt matter, they are walking behemoths thatll crush their enemies one way or the other.

Fates: Ponies who have exceeded the limits of a regular pony in several ways of magic ascend into this form. Fates form is that of an alicorn version of the pony with two heads. Each head resembles that of a Cyclops in the fact that each has only one large eye in the center. They are known as Fates for they can perceive the future. The downside is the fact that the future is ever changing. The two heads will bicker and fight one another on what is to come.
Still, their magic expertise is not to be trifled with. They excel at every type of magic and can perform several spells at once. They can outsmart the wittiest of foes.
The downside to their magic is that the loss of a head will throw the other into disarray and unable to think straight.



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