Candigos: These are the gentleponies of Discords servants. His cavalry. Of course, instead of a living creature to ride, they instead ride upon pogo sticks in the fashion of candy canes. Their weapon of choice is the glaive. Candigos are always neat and tidy, which offsets them from all other sects of chaos. (Who are all about disorder.) They have a sense of order and conduct and are Discord most trusted servants because of this. (Order is best when conducting a war.) They are his eyes and ears and can quickly engage and retreat from advancing armies. Used mostly as skirmishers, they can hold their own in combat. Even without their pogo sticks, they can fight with several hoof to hoof techniques and any sort of weapon. (Though when fighting on hoof, they prefer the sword. Specifically rapiers.) They treat enemies with respect and dignity and treat POWs well, unwilling to give them up to their other chaos brethren. The creation of the Candigos and their orderly conduct was by Discord himself. He felt that a fully chaotic army would not hold itself together and that he needed some order. The problem was that very few of the other chaos cultists listen to their esteemed colleagues and gave them a wide birth. This more often than not left the Candigos to fight the enemy alone.
Chaos Mirrors: Circular mirrors that have eight arrows pointed out from it. The mark of chaos. These sentient mirrors are used as communication devices between Discord and his Draconequi generals. They have a mind of their own and will pull pranks on their masters. Such as distorting pictures and voices, and even creating new images and scenes. They are known to corrupt and twist users, causing them to go insane. In dire circumstances, draconequi can use them to attack enemies. During these time, the middle of it will sport a wicked smiley face. It moves with incredible speed, floating in the air and slicing through opponents. The loss of a Chaos Mirror is a blow since there are only so few. (One for every Draconequus Discord creates) Discord severely punished those who lose them. Thus they were rarely used in combat.
The Trotting Dead: Undead corpses. Their purpose is just canon fodder. If a chaos commander needs more troops fast, he can resurrect the more undamaged corpses. (The ones with enough of a body to move and a head attached.) As with all zombies cutting off or shooting them in the head kills them.
Quetzalcoatl: These creatures are descended from Discords own pet. They are massive flying serpents that can easily turn the tide of battle themselves. Due to their size, very few creatures can harm them. They are even known to devour dragons whole. With all chaotic creatures, they come with a surprise: they can shoot rockets out of their nose. Of course, due to their chaotic nature, most miss, but they can cause confusion in line and still damage those they do land a hit on.