My sweet villain pone of the past had a really awesome reformation take place in one of my dreams recently. 😇 How is that going to transfer to my FO:E headcanon module, since I haven't even gotten to working on the actual fanfic yet? 🤔
This is a big spoiler for it…but, just in case that fanfiction doesn't come to past right away: read the ""60-minute chapter of FuzzyVeeVee's excellently written FO:E grimdark spin-off, Murky Number Seven. It's a big part of my own inspiration for this possible reform ahead… and how Firebrand will not only experience change, but rebirth both himself and his special talent of leadership. 😌✨
Part of why his real-life logo cutie mark, inspired by my dreams, has a slight change (and his name will too, but I won't reveal that until storytime provides). Looking forward to when I finally get this story on board! 🤗
Seriously, though, everything is written down (all those dreams took about 4 1/2 years of recording as they came, until January 8 this year when I concluded their writings 🥳)…now it's just transcripting that all to ponified text. Should hopefully be started on FiMFiction somewhere down the timeline, after I type out everything. 😌🙏