
Book Smart: Would be a Zebra in MLP. The philosopher of the group, he has several encyclopedia's worth of knowledge in his head, and while he tends to move and talk slowly, it belies the great breadth of his intellect. However given his tendency to go on long tangents and overanalyzing abstract concepts often leads him to miss the forest through the trees. Likes to play puzzle games, and serves the role as bard in tabletop games with a high charisma build.

Tremor Tear: Would be a Diamond Dog. The party tough girl, she likes dark gothic aesthetics, and tends to be the most enthused to look for ghosts and other supernatural figures, always hoping for a fantastic explanation to the mystery (and is thus an optimist always proven wrong). Tends to be the one to stand up for the group when someone tries to walk over them. Prefers to play fantasy RPGs with a dark aesthetic and plays as the party's as the mage.

Spring Squall: A Hippogriff in Equestria. The resident skeptic always looking for a rational explanation to a mystery. While she tends to be passive and lets others take the charge, she has quite the sharp tongue and wit. Tends to be the one who plays the bait when situation calls for it. Likes to play grand strategy games, but roleplays as a barbarian fighter.


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