
Spike: (sigh) Three little bundles of joy, Ember, I still can't believe we're finally parents!! And just look at them, aren't they amazing?
Ember: Huh? Oh, yeah, yes I'm really happy that they hatched!! Really, really…… h-happy.
Spike: Ember are you alri-
Spike turns his head towards Ember to see something in her arms. An egg, an egg that has not hatched five days after it's siblings did. Spike then looks at Ember with an expression that has a mixture of sadness and worry.
Spike: E-Ember, it's almost been a week, and nothing has happened, no sign of movement, no crack in the egg, nothing. Maybe… maybe we should just admit that……. we lost-
Spike: We BOTH don't know what's going on in the egg. Ember, do you not understa-
Ember: No Spike, YOU don't understand!
Spike: ……Ember.
Ember: All we have to do is keep waiting.
Spike: Ember!
Ember tries her best to not let Spike see the tears that are rolling down her face, but he notices them instantly.
Ember: (sniff) A-and when it does hatch Spike…… y-you'll see that you were wrong!!
Spike: EMBER!!
At this moment, Ember stopped denying it, and broke down completely. Spike starts to cry a little too, but tries to hide the tears and comforts Ember the best he can.
Spike: Ember, I'm upset about this too, heck, I-I'm even infuriated!!B-but (sigh) we have to accept that..
Ember: S-Spike, please don't…
Spike: We lost our baby.
Ember continues to cry into Spike's chest, and Spike let's his tears run down his face freely.
Ember: I-I, I've only b-been a mother for five days, and I've already let one of my babies d-die, and the egg hasn't even hatched!! I could've done something, but I didn't even try! I'm a terrible mother!
Spike: Ember, there was nothing you or me could do, you are NOT a terrible mother.
Ember: But, I let our-
Spike: You did not let our baby die, It was just.. his or her time. But look at me, I am telling the truth when I say that I know you are great mom. You want to know how I know? Because we have three beautiful examples right here.
Ember looks down at her children. One was trying to get some sleep, but the other two were playing together, oblivious to the situation. Looking down at her three remaining whelps, through the tears, she smiled. She sees that she still has three healthy and gorgeous little dragons, three little dragons she loved to death.
Ember: (sniff) Thanks Spike, I love you.
Spike: I love you, too. And Ember I know you don't want to see the egg go, but I'll have to get rid of it soon. I don't want the kids to get curious.
Ember: A-Alright Spike, you can take the egg now, if… if you want.
Spike picks up the egg with his mouth and gives Ember one more sad look, and then he goes to find a place to bury it.
Ember lets a few more remaining tears roll down her face, but then she feels her three little whelps snuggling her. Her face instantly brightened up at this. She then proceeds to return the snuggles to all three of them, and turns her voice down to a whisper.
Ember: I love you all, with my whole heart. Don't you ever forget that.

Whoa, that was long! This was an idea I had for a while now. And if all the dialogue isn't right, or if there were some errors and if it was rushed, I am not the best when it comes to stories (especially dialogue). And for those who don't know, a baby dragon is actually called a whelp (did they ever call spike a whelp in the show? IDK). Anyways, I hope you like it.


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