Born to Silly


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"N-no, please, have mercy!" you cry out, which just has Gilda laughing as she turns around
and your vision fills with her utterly enormous ass. Her huge filthy ass cheeks clap together,
splattering a thick gooey concoction of sweat and ass grease all over your front. You're soaked
in the rank smelling goo, and then the ass cheeks widen again, letting you stare into the abyss
of Gilda's ass. "You've won! You don't need to do this!"

“Hahahahahaha! Oh I know I don't need to, Princess. I want to do this~ Time for a booty hole
scratching!” Gilda declares, before bouncing her ass backwards. The enormous cheeks push
backwards, surrounding you in the moist cavern of ass and then “CLAP* the meaty cheeks
slam against your sides with incredible force. That wobbling expanse of rank booty squeezes,
crushes and squashes you into its depths. The ungodly stench of her sloppy ass is only made
worse by the heat haze. Your muzzle finds her fat, thick tailhole with a SQUELCH and your
face slams right into it. Gilda groans before she starts to drag her ass up and down.

‘You're powerless, not even able to wiggle in the crushing grip of her ass cheeks. Only from
behind are you even visible, your mane sticking out the top of Gilda's crack and your own
hooves sticking out the underside. Those heavy ass cheeks have you tightly clamped between
them, moist squishes sounding with every grind back and forth of her ass. Your muzzle
scratches against the grimy bootyhole again and again when
FFRRRRPPPRRLLRRRRPPRRSSSCCCCHHHHHH her ass erupts with an utterly disgusting
wet fart. Thick fart juice splatters all over your front, soaking your fur as the fat tailhole
smacks and squelches around your face again and again. You're hopeless before it, only able
to endure as she goes back to grinding up and down, laughing at you as you choke on her ass.
"Aaahhh, from Princess of the Sun to Princess of my fat, sweaty ass! Do enjoy now, try not to
die on your first job!" Gilda mocks, clenching her cheeks and unloading another enormous
Dooty blast that thunders into your face, blowing your mane back and leaving your eyes
crossed and watering as sickly green fumes waft upwards from her ass crack to form into the
shape of skulls.

‘The ass scratching is intense and it goes on and on. At least an hour of those huge grinding
cheeks and huge smoggy yet wet farts sputtering across your face and you're struggling to not
go limp against the pole. It's then that, with a wet SPLURCH, her cheeks finally part and the
‘Gryphon steps forwards. "Ahhh, perfect job, Princess. You know what, I'l be back in a few
hours for another! But until then to make sure you keep training! I'l have the soldiers come
in to put you through your paces so you might last longer the next time. See you soon,
Celestia, my personal ass scratcher!”

Even as Gilda walks away she leaves you in a completely catatonic state. Your fur is stained
‘green and ruined. Your colourful mane is soaked in sweat and dishevelled, having lost its
spark. You're partly crushed, pressed inwards and squeezed into that perfect crack shape.

‘Thick plumes of rotten stink rise off of your fur as you twitch slightly, the only sign of life on

the post as you hear the snickering of other gryphons as they step inside, happy to continue

the torture!

GAME OVER! Allis fair in love and war, and this was was anything but fair. Despite all your
‘preparation you just didn't stand a chance against Gilda. Now your army is destroyed, and
Equestria sure to follow. You get regular updates on the gryphon empire pacifying your
former subjects from Gilda as your face itches her fat butt hole and she sputters a fresh ass.
storm in your face before she asks for some advice or demands to know more about
Equestria. As advisor and ass scratcher this is your lot now as it will be forever more!


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