Born to Silly


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You dispense every soldier you have left to the town. Unfortunately the meagre force doesn't
even last a day against the gryphons. You hear tale that the gryphons took opportunity of
your weakened forces and let their fat, sweaty catbutts greet them with thunderous farts and
sweaty ass drops. They made no difference to Featherdale… and then the Gryphons started
moving towards Canterlot! You desperately try to marshal a force, but with no trained guards
left any sort of militia surrenders almost instantly when the gryphons arrive at your doorstep.
‘With no soldiers to stop them they effortlessly march in and claim Cantetlot for themselves.
‘The city is captured with minimal resistance, and then so is the castle.

Gryphons charge into the throne room, and your few bodyguards don't even have a chance to
fight back before they're booty slammed out of existence. The screams, splats and squishy
sounds leave you wining as an especially large gryphoness marches up to your throne.
“Surrender?” she asks with a smirk.

‘You bow your head, there's no point fighting. "I surrender…” you state, not noticing her
turning around until you look back up. Your vision fills with fat grey butt and you barely
manage a seream before it drops on top of you, squashing you into the throne as the Gryphon

"Gilda’s going to love you," the gryphon says with a crude smirk as she starts to roll the twin
sweaty boulders of her ass cheeks across across the seat of the throne, flattening you out nice
and ready for her boss.

GAME OVER! The throne of Equestria is completely gone, crushed beneath the impressive
enormous golden bulk of the Empress's golden throne. The utterly massive throne fills the
space and completely filling the throne is the immense bulk of Empress Gilda herself. The

‘massive gryphoness grips the arms of the throne, a smirk on her beak as her wobbling
backside completely fills the seat and the only sign of you is some glimpses of pastel hair
poking out around the huge cheeks. Gilda smirks to herself in satisfaction, her mighty ass
‘Thefting to the side to rip another massive PPPFFFRRBBRRROORRRTT! that steamed
stink into your sobbing form. Luna wasn't spared the torture, your sister on her knees before
the throne, with Gilda's utterly foul paws pressed into her face and demanding servitude from
the Princess, lest she end up in the same crushing, rank hell as you, utterly buried beneath
‘gryphon ass fat, never to breathe clean air ever again!


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