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The Rainbooms getting out of the auditorium by the Canterlot High students in "Rainbow Rocks" still rubs me the wrong way even though it was a the Dazzlings doing, and CHS doesn't even apologize to the Rainbooms for what they did during the semi-finals, so I made this little paper thing where it made headline news, and now an angry mob is after the students of CHS.
safe2488463 aqua blossom715 captain planet816 curly winds860 golden hazel783 heath burns576 lyra heartstrings40360 microchips1668 mystery mint1198 normal norman1069 rainbow dash326027 sandalwood1391 some blue guy839 starlight932 equestria girls301497 rainbow rocks21671 angry41231 angry mob94 family guy903 groundskeeper willie9 news report124 springfield angry mob2 superintendent chalmers21 the simpsons2384 this will not end well2582 tom tucker1


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