
> A strange and kind soul

> Taurus
(He/him, cis, bisexual)
-The only child born of the unholy union between Cosmos and Tirek. Tirek was banished to the moon and ended up becoming Cosmos's partner, and they had Taurus. Luna took him back to Equestria when he was only an infant, and has raised him alongside her own children: Midnight Dream and Zodiac
-Despite the unfathomable power of his parents, Taurus is actually magically null. A powerful curse was placed on Tirek to take all his magic away, and this was passed onto Taurus, who is unable to do magic. This curse is so powerful that other creature's magic is neutralized by his presence. living embodiment of dispel magic.
-Because he has no magic, he has no special talent. However, he is a very studious young man and is very well read, and passionate about many subjects. He attends Twilight's school and is on track to becoming a teacher himself one day.
-He gets along quite well with his adoptive siblings, and adoptive mothers, but he does sometimes think about what Cosmos and Tirek think of him. He is a very kind soul at heart, and is truly good down to his bones, and genuinely worries that Cosmos and Tirek miss him. He holds no resentment towards Luna for taking him away, but does wonder if they are sad that hes not there.
-Good friends with April Showers, and all of the other children that he goes to school with, but he holds a fear deep down that they all think he is a freak and no better than his birth parents.


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