
In a rock cave hidden somewhere in Equestria, you were currently living in a temporary cozy friendly home due to the difficulties that arose during a potion mishap with one of your best friends; Cuppa Noodle. Though to be fair neither of you had any blame for it and you both didn’t even know that ‘shrinking potion’ actually worked as intended instead of being just a fancy thing to put in your table to say ‘Hey I got a fake version of the potion that Daring Doo used in the 25th issue of her comic series! It even bubbles like the real one when I shake it!’. I guess this is what happens when you make deals in a world filled with insane troll logic creatures and actual magic of various kinds.

Actually you should’ve expected it. Of course Cuppa wasn’t malicious and she was hardly mischievous at all (Read: A total cutie), so it wasn’t like if she wanted you mini, but what else did you expect from a shrinking potion from unknown source? Don’t drink random stuff from strangers, kids! Either way your current diminutive size meant two things that were the most relevant reasons why you couldn’t get back to your home: You were smol. And you were smol. The first one meant that you were small as a cute little mouse and there was the danger of finding creatures less friendly than the splotched lamia that decided to offer you her room to live in, and the second one meant that the walk to your home, in your current state, would be pain ponified, considering that you now had to walk like 5 times a regular pony to reach the same distance.

Ah, and perhaps there was another reasoning as to why you had to stay; Cuppa started to like you as a micro and found you extremely adorable in your diminished state, not wanting to let you go just yet. Yeah you probably didn’t provide her enough warmth to make her feel comfy, and internally you felt a bit bad because you now were unable to share your body heat with her (This is not a kinky euphemism; lamias are cold blooded you pervert :P), but she seemed to ignore all that as she wanted you to enjoy yourself with your kinks… And she really loved snuggling you like the plushie-sized pony you were, like she was doing right now… since half an hour actually…

“Um… Noodle…. As much as I like being embedded in your chest fluff… um… weren’t you like… getting the game out? To play a match?” You spoke, your face revealing a light amount of blushing as you enjoyed your current stance in the cute hug. You had to admit that despite the inconveniences (Mostly physical in nature) stemming from the fact you just got shrunk down to a puny size, you were enjoying this quite a bit, to the point that the lamia wondered if you two could do something similar in the future, the one who sold her the shrinking potion had a lot of those anyways; seems like magical artifacts that left you temporarily tiny were not something in vogue this season, shocking right?

“O-Oh! Y-yeah, sorry a-about that!” The adorkable lamia said as she realized what was her objective in the room aside from snuggling the heck of you. She gently and carefully put you on the ground, looking at your tiny figure apologetically through her spectacles, before she proceeded to get off the gaming device from the shelf; a curvy rectangular box with a familiar yet unknown logo that looked extremely similar to the human world counterpart, like if they had just changed it lightly for the pony world. She fidgeted with the cables, looking towards the rather fancy flatscreen TV she had (The best to watch anime I guess) and connecting them to the back of it.

“U-Um… what game you’d like to play first?” The almost white lamia with silky soft fur questioned towards your direction as she proceeded to get out the game cartridges from a box next to the console, likewise connecting the controller you’d use to the front holes of the device and placing the ‘controller end’ next to you, so you’d be able to climb onto it. You looked at her in silent gratitude, nodding your head, as you jumped on top of it, looking at the N64-esque pony gaming device in front of you both. “Uh…. Perhaps a racing game? Not sure… Is Pony Kart there?”. In the back of your head, you were actually legitimately curious how you’d play a racing game with your puny little size, though then again this was born out of an earlier dare about you being able to defeat the all-powerful king of games snek even with your current handicap… Darn it lamia memory that remembered that detail!

“Uhh…” The eyes of the lamia shifted to the right side slowly, towards the console, as she tried to remember. Scurrying a bit she reached the big box that had the word ‘cartridges’ written with marker on one of its faces, before grabbing one from inside and pulling it out “Yeah here it is, give me a bit”. She softly blows a bit of air as she cleans the area where the 50 electric contacts are housed, like a true nostalgic gamer did to these things to clean off the dirt and stuff it was literally gaming culture, even when it didn’t really work and the cartridge said not to do so, before she puts the ROM cartridge thing on the slit in the console, making sure to do it slowly and carefully to not damage anything inside, at the same time looking at the television for any input…. Sadly, there was no input from it, just a black screen… but a bit of extra tussle with the cables and reconnecting them (This time in the right position. Whoops) made the television spark to life with a gaming screen and sound, ready for them both to settle their dispute in the field!

“I’M TWILIGHT!” You said proudly as you started to step on the buttons of the controller, applying enough force for them to respond to you, but before your little body could do the movements necessary to actually choose the character you were the most familiar with, and probably the best one out of the bunch, it was chosen by a noodly inhabitant of the room you two were in. You saw the screen and let out a groan of annoyance, faking irritation by the fact that it said ‘P2’ on a red box around the one you were going to choose, so that meant that your opportunity was over “No fair, Twilight is the best character… and I don’t want to play with that green pony…” You half-joked “Green sucks, I hate it, it’s the worst colour…”

Cuppa Noodle looked at your tiny figure and chuckled, a whiteish hoof going towards her face as she tried not to laugh completely at your reaction, particularly your hate for the color green despite you being the greenest thing she had ever seen, and she made sure to hang a lampshade on that by pointing a hoof at your figure. You noticed the irony in your snide and you made a fake Rarity pose of fashionable fashionista while you said, as an ‘explanation’ “I’m the only one who can be green here! It looks dashing on me!”. Seems like your comedic attempt was successful as soon enough the lamia was cackling of laughter, one of her hooves bapping the ground in a cute display of happiness, that internally melted your heart out of sheer cuteness. She kept giggling and laughing for a few more seconds before managing to regain her composure, with little happy tears in her eyes. “W-well, if you say so, hahaha, y-yeah you look good in green haha”

“I do! But I guess I’ll choose White Luna, she’s the second best character” You said, as you pointed at the screen towards the portrait of Princess Celestia, which you derogatively nicknamed White Luna. You jumped on the buttons and moved the joystick around a bit to select her. Soon enough the blue box of P1 posed itself on the sun goddess amidst the array of other characters to choose and you stepped on the ‘A’ button with both hooves to select her. The game recognized your tiny effort and now displayed a screen to choose the track that you two would play with, as in the racing track. You jumped in happiness as you did something similar to what you attempted before; moving and prancing around choose the one you were familiar with; “SPIKE’S TURNPIKE!.”

“Oh no not that one please, I hate these carts” The lamia said, instantly regretting allowing you to choose the map, realizing you’d take advantage of it and choose one you were experienced in, but secretly she was happy of you choosing the one you have the most fun on. Meanwhile you, the cute little filly with height difficulties, smiled widely as the screen faded to a black, before revealing the usual animation for starting the race, with the camera showing different angles and the usual stuff. “Nwyahahahaha, may the best win!” You said with that devilish streak that characterized you on occasions, as the split screen revealed each one’s field of vision, for the two to focus on. The countdown initiated like some sort of Fast and Furious movie, 3… 2… 1… GO!

You fumbled with your start briefly, forgetting that one of your fluffy hindhooves was placed on the A button at the beginning of the game and as such you kinda had the opposite of a Rocket Start, and while the lamia had all the advantage of the fast speeds, you had the disadvantage of a spinning car in a very cartoony way. It could’ve been considered a bad omen for you on the long run, but oh you aren’t gonna allow yourself to lose to this lamia! As cute as she is you’ve got a reputation to maintain as the top rooter tooter driver of scooters in all Equestria!

### Some minutes later

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Stupid cistern truck!” The lamia let out a relatively soft and mild-mannered skreee as she was hit by the fifth car in this race. She’s been trying to avoid them all, and she was actually having a fair share of success, but there was always that car she narrowly avoided but the game said ‘No fugg u’ and decided to count it as hitting the vehicle’s hitbox and sending her cute Twilight high up in the sky. Meanwhile you, that were quite used to this track by now, felt like some kind of motorcyclist as you dashed through the cars and buses and tankers, one of your hooves into the joystick, another one in the A button (One of your hindhooves, since you didn’t move these much anyways), another one above B just in case you had to brake, and one of your forehooves in the yellow buttons. And while the lamia was frustratingly dealing with the many cars and vehicles, you were having tons of fun by speeding through them, not being hit even once, even by that pony-hauled cart you narrowly missed.

“LET’S GO LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” You said as you managed to pass the AI driving in the 1st Place, which meant you were the 1st one now, and that you were close to winning, but the noodly snek had managed to use the triple tap and get the awesome luck from a golden mushroom, so she was very very very close. The moment she became the 2nd, and you could see her faintly in your screen, you panicked lightly. It was all part of the game and you didn’t mind who won or lost, really, but still it was fun feeling the adrenaline pumping in your blood and the emotion of racing running through your veins as you speeded past the gigantic cars in the highway, getting close to the very end of the 3rd lap.

“Come on come on GAS GAS GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS” You screeched like a banshee high on catnip as you tried to make the triple tap yourself, which wasn’t an easy feat since you were barely the size of Cuppa Noodle’s hoof, and you very literally had to play Twister on top of the control to move your kart. “Left right, left right, left right”. Your kart with Princess Celestia driving it barreled down the curve with an inertia drift so awesome that people might as well think you were Running in the 90s. The noodle, with her faster car, was about to pass you and claim the first prize. But then you got that sweet speed boost from the drift and you managed to speeeeeed towards her, and Princess Celestia, being of the heavyweight type, had more mass and that meant that, when colliding with the Twilight Sparkle next to you, she was bounced away to a nearby horse-pulled cart, which elicited a new explosion in the air when the macro pony ran her over while you went past the finish/start line.

“YAAAAAAAAAASSS!” You screamed in happiness as you jumped on top of the controller repeatedly like an adorable filly, but shortly afterwards you realized that you might damage it, so you got off the buttons and into the ground… only to resume prancing and excitedly being all happy. In your display of excitement and your cute filly nature you didn’t realize your real, lamia opponent next to you had swiftly drifted all around you, showcasing her racing abilities outside of the game, and snuggled you lovingly with her coils… at least until you opened back your eyes and saw that looming wall of snek flesh and fluffiness surrounding you like a maze, that soft pillowy body closing onto you and promptly completely constricting you from all angles; your tiny body being encased tightly and cutely in between as you let out an adorable moan of delight at the sudden squeeze you just went through, life if you were a little sponge to squishhh. Meanwhile as for the snek…

“Yay! I’m happy you won! That means you don’t feel bad about your size, and that you still are the cute filly Anon that I know despite being smol! And that I can keep snuggling you and enjoying you tiny so you can be my plushie yay!” Her cute squeaky voice said, in a tone higher in decibels than her usual soft utterings, and seemingly faster than her usual soft voice, then again she seemed extremely excited, to the point that she didn’t realize that she was currently holding you hostage between her coils and that your tiny body was wonderfully compacted between it all, which was all ironic since she was cuddling with you, and she talked about cuddling with you, but didn’t realize she was doing so right now.

“I’m so happy I thought that if I won I would make you feel bad because you feel weak and powerless, and I was worried that if I let you win you’d notice it quickly and then lash on me. Yaaaay!” She added quickly as she just pranced around… or well… the lamia version of prancing, which was basically moving and bobbing her upper pony midsection around while holding her hooves in front of her chest and having a happy expression, aside from her tail movements. For you though, it was quite a different experience; your adorable little fluffy green body being all tightly pressed from every direction in the horizontal plane, it was like if two beds had suddenly meet and smashed you in between, but the main difference was that the pressure was applied to your tiny body uniformly in a 360° way, to not mention that her body was softer and cuddlier and fluffier than your regular bed.

It was about a few minutes later, when the excited cute little lamia had finished being all happy like the adorkable noodle she was, that she realized of your predicament between her coils, and she apologized profusely, instantly liberating you as you dropped like a sack of potatoes. You sat there, trying to make sense of what happened, a crimson blush on your face, as you smiled towards her “O-oh… I-I think I-I’ll love being tiny with you more… t-that felt so good… c-could you do that again?”. As you said this you had an adorable dreamy face, like if you just experienced the most beautiful sensation ever, though to be fair, no one could blame you, it genuinely felt like one of the best massages you ever had.

After the initial shock corresponding to the fear of hurting you or inconveniencing you, the lamia eyes slowly started shimmering in excitement and eagerness as she put a hoof over her mouth, cutely jumping in place “O-of course! I-I’d love to! You’re so cute like that! Aaaaa that means I can snuggle you as tight and as much as I wish, eeeee!” She exclaimed happily as she suddenly picked you in a quick hug and snuggled the heck out of you lovingly, but this time with her hooves and not her tail, purring contently as she felt the closeness of this action, and also showing you just how adorable purring lamias were overall. “B-but… um… m-maybe we could play another game first? How about Goldeneye? I… I j-just want to spend time with you now that you’re here with me” She said as she relaxed from her cheerful state, looking at you with a hopeful cute face, and you could only agree with her, unable to handle her cuteness as you shaked your head to clear your hazy dreamy mind and nodding “S-sure. I-I-I’ll show you just how good I can be with the Golden Gun!”. The sight of the lamia acting all cutesy because you wanted to play games with her despite your size was something to behold.


Wow how long I took to make this
Wtf I drew this in January, took 8 fucking months to post it. Damnit I hate my job and studies. Either way, have this cute thing, of an adorkable giant lamia and an cute tiny filly Anon that’s surprisingly nice and caring (The good thing about a filly Anon is that I don’t have to stick to a single personality :P. And I like my characters shy; that’s cute :D)

And I just realized I fucked up with the perspective badly DX. I think I was a bit drunk when I drew the whole thing but I’m glad that I did a good job on the controller XD. Anyways Filly Anon is trying to control everything with her body, while Cuppa casually plays using both hooves, though I wonder if realistically Filly Anon would have the advantage; I mean how you play games with hooves Dx

Oh, and I drew more of Cuppa’s room and stuff. But then again I suck at perspective and I just imagined her ‘house’ to be more like a cave with holes for stuff Headcanon that Cuppa was the first Flinstone in Equestria xD

I wanted to make a safe cute scene of them having fun aside from kinky stuff, mostly because this fella inspired me to draw something else with her, so thank you random citizen :P. Okno he’s actually cool and I wanted to draw more of Cuppa anyways, but didn’t have the ideas for it :D.

So, enjoy!~
safe2531177 artist:nuclearvolcano13 derpibooru exclusive46277 imported from derpibooru3719242 oc1121206 oc only789471 oc:cuppa noodle20 oc:filly anon5799 earth pony502670 lamia3784 original species44266 pony1712767 arm fluff416 artist's error2 black mane1477 book50193 butt fluff1096 cable239 cave5261 chest fluff76176 controller3619 cute296627 cute little fangs3706 daaaaaaaaaaaw7494 description is relevant1387 detailed background3446 determined1185 determined face81 determined look265 duo183338 duo female39430 ear fluff58734 fangs47530 female2023849 filly112196 fluffy22523 foal50148 glasses104694 green coat801 green eyes11916 happy51190 hoof fluff3893 leg fluff5989 library4955 looking at something5851 macro18848 macro/micro1879 mare824102 micro14124 nintendo 64312 ocbetes9782 open mouth275508 pencil drawing12887 perspective1247 red eyes12682 rock7246 shelf1058 signature50974 smol1569 solo1630554 spectacles159 story included14210 traditional art159850 white coat2383


not provided yet


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