
Hey everyone,

It's been a few days of horrific heat where I live in the UK, and being a white and pasty motherfucker that isn't used to it, it has been horrible- lets just say that I've been sweating in places I didn't even know I had places XD

There's still a few days of this BS heatwave left, apparently, but I have at least managed to get this piece done. However, please know that while this heatwave continues, my uploads and online presence may be sporadic. That being said, even if I don't come online, I will continue trying to work on stuff in the background as motivation allows.

Dear God, right now I'd love some heavy rain or a damn good storm to clear the dust and ever-present pollution out of the air…

So have another Sweetie Belle- is she on a trampoline? Or did she jump out at you and pull a face as a little jumpscare prank? You can be the judge on that one.

Either way, I've always had a personal headcanon that Sweetie was a little cheekier than ever shown in the show, so this base fitted that headcanon perfectly. Also, for those that aren't aware, the CMC have all hit a growth spurt in my AU, but Sweetie Belle is the smallest of them, Scootaloo and Applebloom already the size of teenage fillies, with Sweetie not much bigger than depicted on the show.

That's a point, I need to attempt Babs Seed at some point… I'll note that down for the future.


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