Tanzanite Culet is a 36 year old earth pony mare, originally from Vanhoover, who now lives and works in the Crystal Empire, and she works as a jeweller specifically appointed by Princess Cadance to create jewellery for many different purposes.
This is fine by Tani, as her friends call her, as she is a workaholic and happy to spend as much time as necessary creating the works of art that pass for jewellery that leave her workshop headed for Cadance's personal treasure vault. As far as Tani is concerned, since taking on this job, she hasn't truly worked, and this is because crafting jewellery is her hobby and passion as well as her very well paid job.
The jewellery that Tani makes often ends up enchanted by Princess Cadance herself, or by Sunburst for various purposes- including the special invisibility amulets worn by her Hoof-Maidens, or for magic-suppression horn rings to be used on dangerous unicorns.
Physically, she is a little taller than average for an earth pony mare, and of a sturdy build. Tani is strong, tough, and has a LOT of physical endurance, and needs relatively little sleep in order to function- normally about three hours per night is sufficient.
Confident, conscientious, methodical, and forward thinking, Tani is known to be rather smart and intelligent, and rarely makes mistakes at work, but even if she does, she'll salvage what she can, and start over without a complaint.
Tani does have a somewhat unusual colour pattern for an earth pony, and this can make her desirable to some ponies, but many find her workaholic nature quite off-putting. She isn't really bothered by this, however, as she knows that there will always be another opportunity.
When it comes to more personal matters, Tani is heterosexual, and frankly couldn't give a damn about the species of a prospective partner. All she wants is a partner that understands her drive to work, and will treat her with honesty, dignity, and respect. By those who have managed to bed her, she is known as a submissive, gentle, generous, and attentive lover.
She has a definite love of cuddling, kissing, and other physical affection, especially belly rubs and of sensual massage with essential oils. Don’t forget to burn some sandalwood incense when you're alone with her, as that puts her right in "the mood."