
Hey everyone,

This is the next of the batch of new OCs that I recently created to fill some gaps in my roster, as I needed a young adult pegasus for a particular important role in my AU. Don't worry, she's not an antagonist, even if smug superiority is her default state.

While not a particularly nice pony, she isn't bad by any means, just rather misguided and overly sure of herself. Though, why listen to me ramble on when the picture above says it all?

Naturally, as a pegasus that looks like this, she is a weatherpony, with lofty aspirations of joining the Wonderbolts. She has had her flight abilities hyped up by her well-meaning parents since she was a filly.

Like the upload a couple of days back, Periwinkle Cloudburst, she currently lives and works in Oataca, and wants to leave what she sees as a dead-end job in a dumb, hick town and seek out her fortune and glory in the ranks of the Wonderbolts.

Don't worry, she's not irredeemable- she's not too far gone yet 😉

As per usual, a full bio is to come at a later date.


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