
Suitless Soarin' is Hungry as a Horse

Because nekkid !"\:iconsoarinplz\:":https\:// "Soarinplz" is almost compulsory at this point.

!"\:iconapplejack-plz\:":https\:// "applejack-plz"!"\:iconsaysplz\:":https\:// "saysplz"Howdy pard'ner.  You hungry?

!"\:iconsoarinplz\:":https\:// "Soarinplz"!"\:iconsaysplz\:":https\:// "saysplz"As a horse!

I have not seen this pose in the !"\:iconmlp-vectorclub\:":https\:// "MLP-VectorClub""MLP-VectorClub":https\:// yet.

Part of a scheduled !"\:iconsoarinplz\:":https\:// "Soarinplz" vector barrage of !"\:iconlandmark520\:":https\:// "Landmark520""Landmark520":https\://'s favorite pony for his birthday.

Modifications to the original reference include a resized lower part of the mane to fit correctly (the lower part of the mane is originally completely obscured by his neck), slightly rounded hindleg hooves, and modified joint to the rump like many of my stallion vectors which seems to be a new standard/requirement.

Recoloring time\: 15 minutes

!"\:iconmadewithinkscape1plz\:":https\:// "MadeWithInkscape1plz"!"\:iconmadewithinkscape2plz\:":https\:// "MadeWithInkscape2plz"!"\:iconmadewithinkscape3plz\:":https\:// "MadeWithInkscape3plz"!"\:iconmadewithinkscape4plz\:":https\:// "MadeWithInkscape4plz"

Reference Screenshot (MLPFiM S01E26 — The Best Night Ever, 09\:02)\:

"Soarin' is Hungry as a Horse Reference by ChainChomp2":https\:// "Soarin' is Hungry as a Horse Reference by ChainChomp2, May 13, 2013"

Suited version\:

"Soarin' is Hungry as a Horse by ChainChomp2":https\:// "Soarin' is Hungry as a Horse by ChainChomp2, May 19, 2013 in Cartoons & Comics > Digital Media > Cartoons > Vector"


!"\:iconyouareplz\:":https\:// "YouArePlz"!"\:iconallowedplz\:":https\:// "AllowedPlz" !"\:iconnoncommercial1plz\:":https\:// "NonCommercial1plz"!"\:iconnoncommercial2plz\:":https\:// "NonCommercial2plz" !"\:iconnobases1plz\:":https\:// "nobases1plz"!"\:iconnobases2plz\:":https\:// "nobases2plz"

May 19, 2013


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