"So there I was, browsing through deviantArt, until I come across a comment that gave an idea for a comic. The comic required me to get some plausible candidate for a new, purposefully generic MLP villain. And since MLP tends to use various more or less obscure mythological creatures, it seemed logical to take a look on this list and search for an inspiration in there. I was browsing through it, starting to lose hope that I'll find anything interesting, and then I saw Nuckelavee on the list and I was like "HECK YEAH".
So yeah, Nuckelavee. The design here is strongly based on the one by ~LynxGriffin; I was surprised to see that somebody already did it, but in the end, it was all for the better, because it gave me ground for making my own design. It's not that much different; all I needed to do was to turn it into something with more villainous ring to it, so it could fit the purpose of the comic.
He's not supposed to be very original or anything. Just a generic placeholder for the role of having their ass kicked by Mane 6. I had an idea to make the horse part being all cliche and with all kinds of overly dramatic speeches, while the kinda-sorta-elastic-gremlin-thing would be the "yo man, what's up" kind of guy."
The horse head reminds me slightly of Discord for some reason.