My Little Pony is a large franchise about ponies, which includes cartoons, two series, toys, and other products. American designer Bonnie D. Zacherle developed the first plastic horses. The fascination with the figurines affected small children and adults, especially after the 2010 series. There are seven generations of toy horses in total: G 1; 2; 3; 3,5; 4; 4,5; 5.
The Pony franchise has been popular for many years. Therefore, there are five main releases of toys and two intermediates, the release of which is associated with the appearance of new films and cartoons about Ponyland. The emblems differ from each other, as does the appearance of the main characters of each generation. However, most of the emblems use a rainbow as a symbol of dream fulfillment. And hearts to show the bond between the ponies and their owners.