this can't really be him like many people seeing this dragon assumed this was a descendant of spike and i still think he could be a descendant of him like maybe he is spike the second or spike the third and sunny mistaken him at first as the real spike or maybe……….. just maybe he is not related to spike or even his descendant and this dragon just happens to be called spike because he was named after spike because he just happen to almost look like him in a way because after all spike became a hero and if you were a well known hero some parent will name there child after them
another thing is spike would be very old by now he would be a large old wise elder dragon not some young looking dragon in his 30s that is the same size of these other dragons and there are a lot of other reasons why this can't be him because the last time was spike in the future he was still standing on his two legs
i guess we have to wait very soon when it comes out like i hope the dragon is either a descendant of him or was named after spike but if he is the real spike…………… there sure will be a lot of hate for whoever thought this was a good idea