Hex was cursed from childhood to be forgotten by all his friends and family. A tragic event that left him shaken to the core, he only found solace in his mid-late teens by following the magician Trixie Lulamoon, and becoming inspired by her to master magic.
Later down the line, he met the Elements of Harmony — under unfortunate conditions as it was the discovered the curse was placed upon him by a being that leeched off of his magic, and multiplied it. Before it could do much harm, Hex sacrificed all of his magic to stop it. And so he was — a unicorn without the ability to even levitate a speck of sand.
Not all was lost however as he found a new purpose. He discovered his muse — Trixie — was more of an illusionist rather than a mage. And so, she became his muse a second time as he began to master the art of the illusion.
Shortly after, he founded the Magician's Guild — an organization of creatures without magical abilities that would seek to master magic via artifacts, and other means. He would meet the Elements of Harmony many times, as a soft 'frenemy' (more friend than enemy) with a penchant for hoarding magical items for his own organization
Art was made by my amazing friend, Starsong Dusk! Check out their DeviantArt! https://www.deviantart.com/starsongdusk