Viewing last 25 versions of comment by AryanneRapesMeWithHerFutaCockEveryNight on image #6859390


Aryanne is pro LGBTQ+
HRT is safe btw. It's REVERSIBLE and not permanent so even if someone doesn't decide to continue their transition, they can still have a normal cis life. Numerous sources have proven this just look it up. Also, even IF it has some side-effects, that's preferable to having someone mentally traumatized by being forced to go to the wrong puberty that might even lead to them committing suicide. It's hilarious seeing transphobes go "b-But m-muh c-chIldRen!11!1! I gOttA proTecT dem from teH eviL TrAnnIes!!!11 thEyrE haRmiNg mUh kiDs!11!" when they're the ones denying basic healthcare to children in need. When you eventually have a child that turns out trans, know that their suicide will be entirely your fault. Their blood will be on your hands all because you we're too afraid of giving them a tiny little pill they that so desperately need. Murderer.
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