Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #1B53 on image #6859390

Background Pony #1B53
Gaypril fools is over, you can drop the act now
>HRT is safe btw. It's REVERSIBLE and not permanent
>look it up
Once a mental illness was forcefully imprinted into the psyche, it cannot be reversed without further destroying it. Have you ever tried looking up the anti-thesis of your claims?
(I didn't bother looking much further than that RN because you would never support your claims)
>them committing suicide
Perhaps in a perfect world it were that easy
>When you eventually have a child that turns out trans
Just don't molest your children and don't send them to rabbis to get molested by them; problem solved. Basic parenting really
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1B53