
Meet Thomas Travelmane and his dark, magical shuriken thingy. :3

This was a commission for Naughtycatnick and the character also belongs to him.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro

Yup, this was the picture that helped me settle on some Thomas's design, thanks again Dusty. :3 I have to mention I did a quick edit since I initially asked this for the old cutie mark. I think that versions on his page, defintiely go and check it out. So I painted that in over the top, but the rest is all Dusty and I think he did an awesome job with the design. :3
And I've already mentioned this but I'll say again, the weapon, the glaive/boomerang/disc/shield/thing. w Dusty drew this up while I was trying to find a new design and effect that I really liked for it, and I adore the way he drew it. Trust me, it's perfect.


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