
Quote: "Those new-fangled magitech or diesel engines can go kiss my buckin' flank for all I care, I'm all about REAL steam power — coal and oil burners is where it's at! Don't even get me started on electrics, mister… Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go and shovel coal in the hole for the next eight hours!"


Draw Bar is a 34 year old earth pony stallion from Baltimare who works tirelessly for the Royal Equestrian Railroad as a stoker- who will often be seen covered in soot and or oil at the end of a full shift. That and many, many singed hairs.

Known to be a vocal proponent of what he sees as "proper" locomotives, he is most certainly not a fan of the advancements that have been creeping into Equestrian railroads since the Alliance with Earth- and has naught but disdain for diesels, electrics, and the newer magitech engines that have been recently developed.

Physically, Draw Bar is in great condition for his age, despite the harsh realities of the working conditions aboard a steam locomotives footplate. Strong, tough, and with plenty of physical endurance to spare, he has become a real asset to his employers, even if he comes across as a "tech luddite" more recently.

Years of back-breaking toil on the footplates have left some marks on him, notably in the form of burn scars and singed hairs — an occupational hazard for anypony that takes on a role such as his.

Draw Bar currently lives alone in Baltimare, though can more often be found in many other regions of Equestria due to his role- often in crew dorms or bunkhouses operated by the railroad in various towns and cities across the nation.

His general demeanour is cheerful, friendly, and honest, with a marked tendency to laugh in the face of any trials and tribulations he comes across- and to then bulldoze his way past the problem through sheer, unyielding will. He is NOT blasé with regards to danger, however, and works safely and intelligently within his role — often taking time to train new recruits to the railroad in his free time.

When it comes to more personal matters, Draw Bar is known to be heterosexual and chivalrous. He is understood to be rather old-fashioned in his outlook regarding relationships and prefers to court a partner the way he was taught- additionally, he is not one to just jump at the chance of an easy lay, so to speak. He doesn't particularly care about the species of a potential partner but does have a thing for unicorn mares in particular.


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